This Is How We Treat Mental Illness Vs. How We Treat Physical Illness

    Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    Getting diagnosed with mental illness can be a long and grueling process for many people.

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    With illnesses like anxiety, symptoms are hard to understand and aren't always treated with the same seriousness as physical illness.

    When someone with physical illness or a cold wants to stay in, it's accepted without question by most...

    ...but when a person with mental illness needs to cancel plans, people don't always understand their reasoning.

    Going to a doctor when you are physically sick seems like a no-brainer, however, for mental illness many people feel ashamed and don't get the answers they're searching for when they seek a diagnosis.

    Most physical ailments offer some sort of treatment plan, but for someone suffering for mental illness, they might turn to self-medication – though everyone copes in their own ways.

    If you're physically ill, taking a sick day is common in most work places. However, paid time off for those suffering from mental illness can be uncommon. Even if a workplace does offer mental health days, the stigma that surrounds taking a day to take care of your mental health can be discouraging.

    Like physical illness, some people who are suffering from mental illness have difficulty sleeping and seek any solution to combat their insomnia.

    And even those don't work all the time.

    If someone with physical illness has a coughing fit or sneeze attack, they will probably be met with tissues or told to go home and feel better. If someone with anxiety has a panic attack in public, they're typically met with confused and sometimes even scared looks.

    While everyone experiences mental health differently, getting diagnosed can feel like a never-ending cycle for some.

    Remember to be conscientious of how you talk about mental illness, because it can have a significant effect on someone’s well-being. Overall, just be kind and empathetic, regardless of a person’s diagnosis.