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16 Libraries That Look Like Hogwarts IRL

We know your inner Hermione is tingling.

1. The John Rylands Library in Manchester, England

2. The University of Washington Library in Seattle, Washington

3. Library of Parliament in Ottawa, Canada

4. Biblioteca Real Gabinete Portugues de Leitura in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

5. Strahov Monastery Library in Strahov, Czech Republic

6. Upper Lausitzian Library of Sciences in Goerlitz, Germany

7. Chetham's Library in Manchester, England

8. The Morgan Library in New York City, New York

9. Palácio Nacional de Mafra Library in Mafra, Portugal

10. Trinity College Library in Dublin, Ireland

11. The University of Chicago Library in Chicago, Illinois

12. Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library in Budapest, Hungary

13. State Library of South Australia in Adelaide, Australia

14. Baroque Library in Prague, Czech Republic

15. Biblioteca Angelica in Rome, Italy

16. Duke Humfrey's Library in Oxford, England

This article is part of a series of stories celebrating libraries and free access to information.


This article has been updated to reflect that The Baroque Library is located in Prague, Czech Republic. An earlier version mislabelled it as being in Czechoslovakia.