5 Alternatives To Goodreads That ~Just Make Sense~

    Because we NEED a half-star rating system.

    Hi! I'm Kirby, and I LOVE to read. If you're also a book lover, then you've probably heard of Goodreads, the site that lets you search, rate, and track books. It's definitely the most well-known reading tracker out there — but it also has some ~flaws~.

    So after years of using Goodreads, I decided to seek out some alternatives! I spent a month reading as I usually would and then tracked my books/progress on Goodreads, as well as five comparable apps/sites: BookSloth, Bookly, Libib, Litsy, and The Storygraph. Now I'm going to compare my experiences and give you the pros and cons of each one. Ready? Let's go!

    #1: Bookly


    #2: BookSloth


    #3: Litsy


    #4: The StoryGraph


    #5: Libib


    Final thoughts

    What do you use to track your reading? Let us know in the comments below!