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    6 Things Pro-Life Supporters Can Do To Help Women & Children Instead Of Attacking Planned Parenthood

    Against abortion? Bummed about the failure about the congressional bill to defund Planned Parenthood? Here's what you can do instead of blowing up everyone's newsfeeds with sensationalized articles if you really want to help end abortion.

    Planned Parenthood Federation of America, or Planned Parenthood (PP) for short, is a non-profit organization that provides "safe and reliable health care -- and the majority is preventative, primary care, which helps prevent unintended pregnancies through contraception, reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections through testing and treatment, and screen for cervical and other cancers" (PP).


    "Planned Parenthood participates in a federal funding program called Title X (10); a program that allows us to supplement birth control, GYN care, and other reproductive health services for women who cannot pay full price for health care services. This program does not pay for abortion care. To qualify, we ask all clients seeking services at Planned Parenthood to present the most recent four week snapshot of your income (such as recent pay stubs or, if you are unemployed, proof of your unemployment benefits or inability to work). This helps our staff determine what amount you can pay under Title X's discounted fee scale.

    Additionally, Planned Parenthood can help you sign-up for other programs that will help pay for your services including Medicaid or the Family Planning Benefit Program (FPBP)" (PP).

    But the main issue at hand that divides people into pro-choice or pro-life is abortion. Since one of the services that Planned Parenthood provides is safe and legal abortions, it is being attacked by anti-abortion lobbyists from all sides. Most recently, an anti-abortion group released several undercover videos accusing Planned Parenthood of making money off of the sale of fetal tissue. Shortly after these videos surfaced, the GOP-controlled Congress proposed to vote on a bill which decided whether or not it would continue to federally fund Planned Parenthood. Fortunately for the non-profit, the vote was 53-46, meaning the measure failed the get the 60 votes needed to overcome a Democratic filibuster on bringing the bill up for debate.

    One way or another several pro-life groups are trying to shut down Planned Parenthood because one of the services it offers is, indeed, abortion. However, instead of fighting the issue of abortion, both pro-choice and pro-life supporters would be better off addressing the root of the problem.


    Understand A Woman's Right To A Safe And Legal Abortion

    We don't live in a perfect society, so abortions are going to happen no matter what. But why exactly do women choose abortion? According to a study in the journal of International Family Planning Perspectives, "reasons women give for why they seek abortion are often far more complex than simply not intending to become pregnant; the decision to have an abortion is usually motivated by more than one factor. While improved contraceptive use can help reduce unintended pregnancy and abortion, some abortions will remain difficult to prevent, because of limits to women's ability to determine and control all circumstances of their lives."

    Some of these factors include:

    ●disruption of education or employment

    ●lack of support from the father

    ●relationship problems with a partner



    ●inability to afford additional children

    ●desire to provide schooling for existing children

    ●medical problems

    ●psychological issues

    ●rape or incest

    Being pro-life should mean that you also also care for the life of the woman in question, whether or not she has chosen abortion. Opting for an abortion is not an easy choice, so it is important to emotionally support someone you know who has gone through an abortion regardless of your stance on the matter since you may not know the full story behind her choice.


    Support Sexual Education

    People have sex. There is no way around it, so might as well stay informed and don't be afraid to talk about it

    Talk to your kids about puberty so they will be aware of the changing happening in their bodies

    ●Be sure to cover all types of contraception when talking to your children about safe sex-- if you preach abstinence-only without mentioning other forms of contraception and your child decides to engage in sexual activity, he or she may not be aware of other types of sexual protection

    ●Inform yourself about the risks of unprotected sexual activities, aside from unplanned pregnancies, such as AIDS/HIV and other STDs

    Donate to organizations that help provide others the information and skills they need to live a healthy sexual life


    Be An Advocate For Sexual Health

    Millions of people have problems with their sexual health but do not have the adequate resources to seek treatment.

    ●Ask your local clinic to see how you can help provide access to STI/STD testing and treatment to those in need

    ●Donate to HIV/AIDS foundations to promote research and help others get the treatment they need


    Encourage Contraception

    One of the causes of abortion is unplanned pregnancy. Make sure to use contraception and inform others about it as well in order to prevent unplanned pregnancies to reduce the number of abortions.

    ●Inform others of publicly funded family planning services

    ●Support programs that provide low-income women with contraception to prevent unplanned pregnancies and STI/STDs

    ●Learn more about Medicaid and Title X and see if you or someone you know qualifies for free or subsidized contraception


    Support Female Reproductive Health Initiatives

    Pro-life means that you are in favor of life. One of the lives that is often ignored is the life of a woman. The healthier a woman's reproductive health, the less likely she will choose abortion for medical or psychological reasons. Additionally, women whether they decide to become mothers or not need regular health screenings. Support women's health!

    ●Donate pregnancy tests to your local pantry or shelter-- the sooner a woman knows the better

    Donate to fund HPV vaccinations, preventative pap tests and cervical cancer screenings and research

    Donate, fundraise or volunteer to support breast health

    ●Help women access treatment for lower genital tract infections


    Donate Your Time And Money To Service Children And Families In Need

    Don't forget, once the baby is born he or she will grow up. These children need your help. Many of these children may be given up by their birth parents or the parents may decide to keep them. Unfortunately, the latter situation may cause socioeconomic struggles for the family.


    ●Stand for the justic of foster children

    ●Volunteer at homes for children with disabilities

    ●Support low-income schools and their programs

    ●Work with at-risk youth

    ●Educate teens to prevent sexual assault and rape

    ●Donate to family counseling

    ●If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, seek help right away

    Only three percent (yes, 3%) of Planned Parenthood's budget went to abortion services in 2013-2014; the rest of Planned Parenthood's budget is used to provide people with resources necessary to access the various services mentioned in first five items on this list. For all of the pro-life supporters who want to defund Planned Parenthood, please acknowledge the consequences of that decision and how it would poorly affect women and children.

    I am pro-lifeand pro-choice. I hope for a society where every child, before and after childbirth, has a chance at life, but I also believe that it is necessary to protect a woman's right to her own body. I can't tell you what to do, just as you can't tell me what to do, but if you still feel negatively about Planned Parenthood and wish to defund them, I urge you to do your best to complete every item on this list and tell your family, friends, religious leaders, politicians, and whoever else who shares your stance on the issue to do the same. After all, pro-life means you support life, in and out of the womb, and therefore strives for the lives of babies, children, teens, women, men and families. If you refuse to acknowledge any of these issues beyond abortion, you aren't pro-life; you're pro-birth.

    CORRECTION: A previous version of this article stated that 3% of Planned Parenthood's federal funding goes to abortions when in fact federal funding does not go toward abortions (08/06/15 9:30 PM)