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    5 Reasons We Definitely Need To Save The Bees

    Bees are important… like, really important. They’re also mysteriously disappearing (colony collapse disorder) and dying due to various factors in large quantities. I watched a TED Talk with Noah Wilson-Rich and it got me thinking about some of the top reasons for saving the bees.

    5. Farmers Markets

    4. Jeans

    Portlandia/Tumbler / Via

    Well not only jeans er, denim, but all cotton and natural fibers which are pollinated by bees. Bees keep the clothes on our backs! I’m thinking of all of the cotton items in my own apartment that I use every day and can’t imagine life without: Egyptian cotton bed sheets, socks (we LOVE socks.. especially Bombas socks), and denim (especially of the raw variety!). Cotton’s marketing team had it right; it IS the fabric of our lives!

    3. Honey!

    Left Phalange / Via

    I love honey not just because it’s delicious, but also because contains essential elements such as enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. In parts of the world, people consume honey to aid with allergies and respiratory illnesses. Because of it’s unique chemical makeup and the fact that it’s antimicrobial and antibacterial, honey can be preserved indefinitely. I don’t know about you, but I think that’s pretty sweet. Honey makes everything better and is a great nutritional substitute for sugar. There’s been a honey trend over the years with honey-sweetened lemonade, Mead wines, honey spirits and beer. I've even seen “hot honey” on the rise. I don’t hate it..

    2. Coffee

    1. Feminism