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Tom Daley Announces He Has A Boyfriend

Hearts broken everywhere.

Even if I'm doing sporting interviews I'm getting asked, 'Do you have a girlfriend?' 'Who are you seeing?' — all that kind of stuff. I mean, I've been dating girls ... And I've never really had a serious relationship to talk about. And now I feel ready to talk about my relationships. Come spring this year, my life changed massively when I met someone, and they make me feel so happy, so safe, and everything just feel great. And that someone ... is a guy. It did take me by surprise a little bit. It was always in the back of my head that something like that could happen. But it wasn't until spring this year that something just clicked and felt right. Like I said, my world just changed right there and then.Of course I still fancy girls, but right now I'm dating a guy and I couldn't be happier. People are going to have their own opinions and people are going to make a big deal of this. Is it a big deal? I don't think so. People will call me a liar ... It's going to be big. But I wanted to say something, and I feel like now I'm ready and I wanted to do it. People will think, What will your dad say?. He always said to me that as long as you're happy, then I'm happy. And right now I couldn't be happier. And my mum's been so supportive. I can count the number of people told on one hand. All my friends and family that I've told have been so supportive. I told the rest of my family today — let's just say they had mixed opinions. Lots didn't believe it, lots wanted me to keep it quiet.

Here are the main points he makes.

Watch his coming out speech in full. The main bit is at 2:30.

View this video on YouTube


And it's already had a huge response from fans on Twitter.

Fair play @TomDaley1994. You are awesome and we all love you.

Scott Bryan


Fair play @TomDaley1994. You are awesome and we all love you.

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He really does come across as a very nice well-brought-up young chap, on a separate note. You can almost forgive him for "Splash!"

Tom Chivers


He really does come across as a very nice well-brought-up young chap, on a separate note. You can almost forgive him for "Splash!"

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And Tom Daley's boyfriend makes it to number 1 on my enemy list.

Luke Morrison


And Tom Daley's boyfriend makes it to number 1 on my enemy list.

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Go @TomDaley1994 - doing it on his own terms, when he was ready too! http://t.co/cSUbajoxYW

Ryan Love


Go @TomDaley1994 - doing it on his own terms, when he was ready too! http://t.co/cSUbajoxYW

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