This Celeb Took No Prisoners When Someone Tried To Troll Her Over Her Intelligence

    "I have 13 A*-C GCSEs, 3 A levels and a 2:1 bachelors degree mate. But if you work hard & be kind you can achieve anything."

    This is Scarlett Moffatt, top human being and all round great person.

    She's mainly known for being hilarious on Gogglebox.

    And coming out with one-liners like so.

    Well, on Thursday, GSCE results day in the UK, she received backlash from one person on Twitter who accused her of being "brain dead". And she, quite frankly, wasn't taking any of it.

    It all began when she shared this tweet, letting her teen fans know that they don't need to worry about whatever their exam results happen to be today.

    To anybody worrying about their GCSE results today remember that Pitbull rhymed "Kodak" with "Kodak" and he is a millionaire #GCSE

    She's shared this funny anecdote about Pitbull before for similar purposes.

    To everyone worrying about their A Level results remember that Pitbull rhymed "Kodak" with "Kodak" and he is a millionaire #Alevelresults

    But on Thursday morning one particular follower used it against her, and trolled her by responding: "And remember Scarlett Moffat made money by watching tv on tv. Anyone can be successful no matter how brain dead."

    And remember Scarlett Moffat made money by watching tv on tv. Anyone can be successful no matter how brain dead.

    So she served this perfect clapback, revealing that actually she is very well educated thank you very much. But she added that the most important thing to succeed in life is to "be kind" and "work hard".

    .@OfficialJoshyH I have 13 A*-C GCSEs, 3 A levels and a 2:1 bachelors degree mate. But if you work hard & be kind y…

    Touché. 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏

    Then she went back to helping ease her followers' concerns over any results they might get, repeating her earlier sentiment about working hard and being kind.

    Seriously lovelies if you don't get the grades you were expecting do not panic. Work hard & be kind & you can achieve all your dreams #gcse

    Take that haters 🔥