The Most Important Member Of The Beckham Household Has Joined Instagram

    BRB, just going to stare at pictures of Olive Beckham all day.

    We're all familiar with Olive Beckham by now.

    The puppy who joined the Beckham household earlier this year.

    She's become a regular addition to all of the Beckhams' Instagram accounts.

    And she's basically goddamn adorable.

    And now we can have plenty more Olive in our lives. Because Brooklyn Beckham set her up with her own Instagram account on Monday morning.

    And we're already enjoying the captions and hints of what's to come.

    Here's her first video.

    And she's already more popular than we'll ever be. An hour after being introduced to Instagram, Olive already had 22,000 followers.

    Fake accounts have already been launched.

    And who are the three people she follows? David, Victoria and Brooklyn, of course.

    Thank you for enriching our lives, OliveBeckham23.