Russell Tovey Hilariously Live-Tweeted Finding A Strange Woman In His House This Weekend

    #CouchGirl FTW.

    Russell Tovey discovered a strange woman randomly sleeping on his sofa this weekend.

    So he did what anyone else would do during the bizarre occurrence – he live-tweeted it. And the whole scenario was pretty damn hilarious.

    First Russell informed his fans of the strange discovery.

    Woken up to a random female stranger asleep on my sofa. Snoring. I don't know what to do. I just went to the theatre last night x

    Then locked himself away while he figured out what the hell to do.

    She's still there, snoring away like she's sawing logs.. Me and Rocky have locked ourselves in the bedroom - really don't know what to do x

    He finally found out the reason for the intruder and that he would in fact be sharing his home with her for a couple of days.

    Ok so she's a friend of a friend with spare keys and apparently I was asked and she's staying until Monday? My life?? Wtf?? X

    She was let in in the middle of the night and directed to the sofa where she has been ever since x

    Russell then decided to get to know her.

    I've made her a glass of water. She seems nice x

    Before regretting the decision.

    Ok, totally over her, Just had to sit thru some tragic tale about a neighbors dead uncle that took forever. I'm going to the gym x

    And gave her free rein of his house.

    Ok next installment of #couchGirl , you ready? Come home from the gym to this... Excuse me??? X

    And the hashtag #CouchGirl was born as he kept his fans updated on her mood and actions.

    #CouchGirl isn't feeling too great today, she didn't leave the flat or the sofa all day yesterday and only ate Doritos... X

    Came home to find #CouchGirl asleep on my bed? She's now currently throwing up in the bathroom.. X

    Until she finally left.

    I think #CouchGirl has left... But this has remained behind... What is this??? A customized pashmina? X

    But before #CouchGirl left she made sure she had polished off all the milk and worked her way thru every snack available x #sweet

    And that was the sad end of #CouchGirl.

    But after all that's said and done... I'm actually missing #CouchGirl x