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6 Pickup Basketball Games You Wish You Were At

Pickup basketball is a casual game, but these games were a bit less casual than when you played "horse" with your lil bro in your parents' driveway. - Brought to you by the Kia Optima

1. Barack Obama's pickups at the White House

2. Jordan Crawford dunking on LeBron James

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LeBron James runs a basketball academy that's fittingly named, "LeBron James Skills Academy." While he's usually pretty removed from the day-to-day activities of the academy, back in July of 2009 he stopped by to play a couple games with his students. Little did he know that a young upstart at Xavier was about to take him to town on his own court.

3. Dream Team's 1992 pickup games

4. Pickup game on an aircraft carrier

5. Any time against the Beastie Boys

6. At the "Highest Court in the Land"

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