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    The Art Of Mix Media

    One of the best ways to get online followers is to get the word out. I always say that marketing is a MIX and, therefore, it requires to be present everywhere.

    You’ll hear some say “forget the yellow pages” or “forget networking events.” While I believe that people have massively moved their search online, calling other media “obsolete” is taking it too far.

    Establishing presence in new media and maintaining your presence in traditional media is the ideal way to go.

    Here are 5 ways to mix your media:

    Add your social media links to your website

    Add your website URL to your social media profiles

    Add your social media URLs and handles to your business card and every piece of collateral

    Include your website and social URLs in all Public Relation efforts, especially in press releases

    Print free Facebook Signs and display them in your local business/car/community board. Go here for the signs and fill in the blank!

    What are some other ways you mix your media? The possibilities are truly endless and so will be the results. Happy mixing!