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    What It's Like To Be An Awkwardly Introverted Person At A Party As Told By OITNB

    It's hard enough to be awkward OR introverted. But BOTH? It's just plain cruel.

    1. Imagine that you've just settled in for a relaxing night of netflix/reading/anything that can be done with a small group of people or in solitude...

    2. When your friends betray you and ask if you want to go out with them.

    3. You can't tell if they are joking or not...

    4. And when you realize they're not, in your head you're thinking...

    5. And you're also kind of really hoping they will change their minds.

    6. But you don't want to be the party pooper, so you put on a brave smile and tell them you'll go.

    7. Even though on the inside you are 100% feeling like you are dying,

    8. You prepare and brace yourself for a rambunctious night full of people you don't introvert's absolute dream.

    9. While you like the IDEA of getting all dolled up...

    10. busting out your awesome dance moves in front of a bunch of randos...

    11. And just being crazy and letting yourself loose for a bit...

    12. When you arrive, you realize quickly that that's not really you...

    13. And the introvert in you reminds you of why you don't go out to parties very often. It's not that you don't like people, it's just...

    14. Your awkwardness kicks in, and suddenly all of your conversations somehow revolve around your favorite food...

    15. ...Or making references to things that nobody else is familiar with.

    16. Then once you realize how awkward you are being, you think inside to yourself...

    17. You'll search for other things to talk about, but it'll only make matters worse...

    18. Because, as an introvert, you CANNOT. HANDLE. SMALL. TALK. It makes you feel some type of way and brings out the worst in you.

    19. And then the majority of your night will be spent trying to convince people that you aren’t completely off your rocker (even though you clearly are).

    20. When the whole talking thing doesn't seem to be working out for you, you resort to the ol' fake texting thing and suddenly become very interested in your blank phone screen.

    21. You just need your space to digest all the crazy going on around you.

    22. You may at one point force yourself to venture out onto the dance floor...

    23. ...And then quickly question your actions. Is this who you are now?!? Have things really changed?!?

    24. ...No. No, probably not. But it's okay.

    25. Maybe you just weren't cut out for all of that sensory overload because you are more of a lone wolf.

    26. You know what you stand for, you awkward introvert, you!

    27. You decide you'll stick to dance parties that only involve a few friends at most when you break it down to the Orange Is The New Black theme song during one of your Netflix binges.