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    15 Swim Trunks That Will Make Guys Want To Drop Their Pants

    Summer's here!

    1. For the guy who wants to show some leg:

    2. For the guy who's into prints (but not married to the idea):

    3. For the guy heading to Nantucket or the Hamptons:

    4. For the style-conscious guy who wants a pop of color:

    5. For the guy in search of a retro look:

    6. For the person who wants to go from the party to the pool:

    7. For the guy looking for more length:

    8. For the budget-conscious guy:

    9. For the guy with his own individual sense of style:

    10. For the guy who wants something no one else will have:

    11. For the guy who isn't afraid of a bright pop of color:

    12. For the guy who isn't afraid to rock a speedo (without a budget):

    13. For the guy looking for a budget brief:

    14. For the ~cool~ guy:

    15. For the proudly American guy: