17 Times Claire Underwood From "House Of Cards" Was Literally You

    "Am I really the sort of enemy you want to make?"

    1. When it's Sunday night and you remember you have to go to work tomorrow:

    2. When the waiter brings you a side salad instead of fries:

    3. When someone tells you you're too much:

    4. When you said you weren't going to drink today, but yet here you are:

    5. When your girlfriends get mad at you for not telling them about the last Tinder date you went on:

    6. When someone asks if you're listening to them:

    7. When your roommate eats your leftovers:

    8. When you decide to end a conversation without giving a fuck:

    9. When someone tries to say you didn't do any of the work in a group project:

    10. When your S.O. tries to get mad at you for not emptying the dishwasher:

    11. When your BFF shows up to your house unannounced:

    12. When your high school reunion is tomorrow and you know your ex is going to be there:

    13. When your work wife spills the tea about Phil in accounting:


    14. When your boss crosses you at work:

    15. When someone tells you they have a secret:

    16. When everyone sees you as the Queen you are:

    17. And finally, your mantra: