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If You Don't Laugh At Any Of These Pictures Then You Have A Cold Heart

"I'm fucking late to work, Craig."

1. Take, for instance, this guy who was just trying to get to work.

2. Or this little creature who's looking for his mom.

3. What about this doggo trying to give a helping hand?

4. Or this little guy who lost his footing.

5. This kitty is ~sensitive~.

6. While this kitty is a goddamn superhero.

7. Literally, same.

8. Uhhh, WTF?!

9. This workout fiend is getting it IN.

10. And this friend who just wants to know what's going on.

11. This peacock was trying to check itself out.

12. This kitty obviously didn't want to be bothered.

13. This dog who really felt the pain in the song.

14. And you can see the sadness in this dog's eyes.

15. But this dapper Dan is KILLING it!

16. Hi, it me.

17. The sheer joy in his eyes.

18. Four score and seven years ago...this dog was born!

19. LOL, safety first!

20. Do not disturb.

21. Um, just another day on the ol'...wait what?!

Load a runaway cows just ran through ma garden hahahaha wtf

22. This pupper is totally on trend.

23. Sweetie, I...

24. And finally, presenting the millennial pupper.