Koreans Got Photoshopped With Double Eyelids And It Was So Weird

    The results were eye opening.

    According to some estimates as of 2014, South Korea has the highest rate of plastic surgery per capita. The most common procedure is the double eyelid surgery.

    So we had three Koreans come in to talk about their experience growing up with monolid eyes and then we photoshopped double eyelids on them to see their reaction.

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    BuzzFeedVideo / Via youtube.com

    "People I knew would just offhandedly suggest surgery to me. They offered it as gifts, as graduation presents."

    "I definitely knew I was different. There were jokes about my eyes being smaller."

    "They told me I would look prettier with the double eyelid surgery. I tried a lot of different things to get that double eyelid, without actually getting the surgery."

    After a week, it was finally time for the big reveal:

    Annie's before and after:

    Kevin J. Nguyen / BuzzFeed
    Kevin J. Nguyen / BuzzFeed
    Kevin J. Nguyen / BuzzFeed

    Annie was conflicted about her new double-eyelids.

    Jason's before and after:

    Kevin J. Nguyen / BuzzFeed
    Kevin J. Nguyen / BuzzFeed
    Kevin J. Nguyen / BuzzFeed

    Jason couldn't even recognize himself.

    Lauren's before and after:

    Kevin J. Nguyen / BuzzFeed
    Kevin J. Nguyen / BuzzFeed
    Kevin J. Nguyen / BuzzFeed

    Lauren felt uncomfortable seeing the new image.

    In the end, they just wanted everyone to embrace themselves, whatever that means to you.