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    Thoughts To The Class Of 2016

    If school taught anything...

    Good evening ladies and gentlemen,

    To all parents, family, and friends in attendance today and those who have sent their congratulations no matter where they are, a simple thank you cannot compare to the amount of love you have provided. Four years have gone past in which you have watched us, the Class of 2016, arrive at this moment. And for students of this class, four years of a full life ahead has gone by. These years have been baby steps for us before we begin taking bolder leaps. The story of two paths diverged is really today, the story of more than 400 paths, each one being traveled by not more than one of us. It goes without saying that we are all different but also now Panthers at heart.

    Within our time here, we've accomplished the simple things such as quelling the debate of Mustang versus Trojan and learning the A through Gs. Every year we have been here has been a year of making a difference. We have learned to expand our artistic side, develop our academic sides, and value our moral sides. True, the transition here has not been smooth for anyone but there is proof that we have prevailed. This proof is YOU, US, being seated here amongst our graduating peers. After four years, we can finally say goodbye to College Board tests, State Testing, and unit tests. What we can look forward to differs by varying degrees but the effort required is just the same.

    To all the teachers and coaches, whether you have trained us or not, we are the product of your unique experiences and we could not have learned them in any other way. A summary can not honor the most important value you have given us. That important value is the need to think. Competing on the court, participating in the classroom, completing homework at home, your push for us to think and put it into action has helped us see more than what's on the surface but the hidden plays and the hidden realities that go unnoticed to the untrained and uneducated eye.

    And with that, we've been able to move past the line of scrimmage and put words to a blank paper.

    From here on out, we continue living lives of thoughts ahead. Rosemead High School is now part of our history to look back to and our future is each step forward. None of us can calculate how statistically significant we are to success nor analyze it from the composition and literature in a book. Only our force can bond the supply of our intellect to the demands of society.

    And finally, to the Class of 2016, let's go places with confidence in motion.

    Congratulations Class of 2016!