18 Spooky And Eerie Behind-The-Scenes Horror Movie Stories

    These terrifying tales transpired off-camera on the sets of your favorite cinematic nightmares.

    If you're a horror movie fan, the phrase "based on a true story" is one you've probably heard over and over in conjunction with your favorite fright flicks.

    But sometimes, the scariest stories associated with on-screen scare fare come from their respective sets, from macabre mishaps to chilling happenings that just can't be explained.

    With this in mind, I've assembled 18 true nightmares that you'll be shocked to hear actually transpired behind-the-scenes of various horror films.

    Ready? Here we go:

    1. A catastrophic nightmare on-set of A Nightmare on Elm Street, Part 4: The Dream Master:

    A crying woman's face emerges from a fleshy wall covered in faces

    2. Director Ti West's unsettling experiences at the Yankee Pedlar Inn during The House of the Devil inspired The Innkeepers:

    A blood covered woman leans against a large wooden door

    3. A creepy crawler nearly derailed Sinister II:

    A group of creepy children stand in a decrepit hallway

    4. Is The Exorcist a cursed film franchise? Many seem to believe so:

    A man with a hat and briefcase basks in a light outside of a home at night

    5. The truly ghastly incident on-set of Incident in a Ghostland:

    Two distressed young women embrace in a rustic home

    6. The horror of making The Texas Chain Saw Massacre:

    A masked man with a chainsaw runs at a truck

    7. And was there really a haunting on the set of The Possession? The evidence appears to point to yes:

    A man holds an ornate Hebrew ceremonial box and device at his dinner table.

    8. Cost-cutting creepiness brought an eerie authenticity to Poltergeist:

    A woman pops up in a muddy pool of water next to multiple skeletons

    9. Life imitated art on the set of the Friday the 13th remake:

    10. The Amityville Horror remake was plagued by creepy coincidences:

    Lights blare from an upstairs room at the infamous Lutz House in Amityville

    11. Bad omens raised hell on-set of The Omen:

    Gregory Peck and David Warner on the Set of "The Omen"

    12. Annabelle Comes Home had a myriad of macabre mysteries:

    McKenna Grace prays in a dark, creepy room with 1960s decor.

    13. Odd radio silence (or lack thereof) on-set of The Exorcism of Emily Rose:

    A scared young woman stares down a dimly lit hallway

    14. The set of The Shining met a fiery demise:

    Jack Nicholson and Stanley Kubrick hang out by the monitor during the filming of "The Shining"

    15. They used real witchcraft for a fictional deity in The Craft:

    Four young women attempt to conjure magic on a beach

    16. Wes Craven struck real fear into Miko Hughes on-set of New Nightmare:

    A demonic variation of Freddy Krueger poses menacingly.

    17. Was there a ghostly presence on-set of The Lords of Salem? It sure sounds like it:

    A woman in creepy make-up and a long worn-out sweater stands in an ornate ballroom

    18. And finally — the cast and crew of The Pope's Exorcist witnessed a firsthand fright:

    Russell Crowe stares intensely as a demon-battling priest

    Do you know any creepy on-set movie stories? Let us know in the comments below!