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    11 Signs That Let You Know You're An Upperclassman In College

    There comes a moment in our college career when we realize, "wow! I'm about to be graduating pretty soon." Here's a snippet of the many thoughts, us collegians, go through when that moment happens.

    1. Your Confidence Level

    2. You don't go to parties anymore - You host them!

    3. Deciding between Grad school, working and taking a year off....THE STRESS.

    4. Do I want an MRS/MR degree?

    5. Your friends circle is getting smaller and smaller....

    6. Time to start Networking!

    7. That moment when your Linkedin account becomes just as important as Instagram...

    8. Being involved in a zillion organizations!

    9. Apartment life..bye bye Dorms! (Unless you're a super cool RA!)

    10. You most likely have a pretty good sense of who you are by now.

    11. And of who you wanna be...