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    Truths Of Being Both Socially Awkward And Quirky

    You sir (or madame) are both too awkward to function and so quirky it kills. Pretty much, the combination of Sheldon Cooper and Phoebe Buffay are your spirit animals.

    At first, you may appear kind of reserved or shy to someone you just meet

    When someone first meets you, a conversation lasting more than 2 minutes kind of turns into this...

    Your different-ness though has it's own charm that people learn to love!

    But most of the time, the essence of making people feel uncomfortable happens

    Once you realize how your quirkiness explodes in the conversation- the awkwardness returns. And you want to dissappear.

    You're probably questioned more than the average person

    Questioned. On. Everything.

    But who can blame them?

    Let's face it probably feel alone at times when NO ONE seems too get you.

    But, when you become friends with someone whose mutually as weird- you're in the zone (for life)!

    You form a clan of comrades who will love you for life and will embark in weirdness with you!

    You learn over time you can't please everyone!

    When you get alcohol in your system though, thats probably when you're the most "normal."

    Too much though, you're on a downward slope into exposing you're inner crazy.

    And you're just like...

    You're naturally awkward, but when it comes too dating- you reach a new level.

    But once you embrace you're awkwardness, you're quirkiness makes dem hearts melt!

    Finding somone who matches your levels of uniqueness can be a struggle though.

    But hang on, you'll find that person who understands you in every way possible eventually.

    Pratically magical.

    You probably make your family wonder about your awkwardness too.

    You HAD to inherit your combination from somewhere though, right?

    Sure you may be awkward, sure you may be quirky, but you're awesome the way you are!

    Because those who care don't matter, and those who matter don't care.

    You're going to go far in life!!! The world needs different people!!!