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    Why Being Skinny Can Be A Curse

    The concept of the ideal body image and how it has been portrayed in the media has been a highly debatable topic for years. The question of what is natural and what limits there should be when photoshopping an image for advertisement has been proposed, and most agree that the media often oversteps these boundaries by creating an overly thin, Barbie-like figurine. Unfortunately, the attention created from those opposing this portrayal of the ideal body in advertising has created a type of reverse discrimination against those who are naturally thin. Not to say that the idea of body image the media reflects is correct ideology, but the fact is, some people are naturally thin and for this reason, they should not be looked down upon. The type of reverse discrimination created reflects an appreciation for those with larger thighs, breasts, and buttocks, and a sort of hatred for those who do not meet this standard. The new standard created here is still for only one body type, which proves, that our society has not evolved into a more accepting society, but into a society that has just shifted the type of people appraised. Granted, the media still portrays thin girls that appear to be in their twenties, but the anger from individuals in society that oppose this type of advertisement are some of the ones creating this idea that all thin girls are anorexic or damaged. Being a petite person, it can be troubling when your peers create a rumor that you are anorexic because you are thin. It can also be troubling when you go to a grocery store and the cashier suggests that you stop buying so many vegetables because you are one skinny mess. However, the worst feeling is when you are listening to the radio and you hear a song thats sole message is that thin girls are ugly or unattractive because of their smaller buttock, breasts, and thighs. These experiences have awakened me to the realization that this type of reverse discrimination needs to end. For advertisers, portraying thin girls is not a problem, but only portraying these girls creates an uneven representation of the consumers that you are marketing your product to. For society, opposing this ideology in advertisement by creating the mindset that all thin girls are damaged is just as incorrect as the manager telling his model to lose a few more pounds. The truth is that everyone has a unique body complexion and that trying to create an ideal size is irrational. After all, being different is what makes us human.