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It's Time To Share The Most Ridiculous, Frustrating, And Out Of Touch Comments You've Heard A Rich Person Say

*Veruca Salt voice* I want it NOWWW!

Have you ever met someone who grew up so rich that they became a suuuper out-of-touch adult? Was it difficult not to roll your eyes while they complained about their so-called problems? I’m curious to hear about the most ridiculous case of “rich kid syndrome” you’ve ever witnessed.

veruca salt from "willy wonka" saying "I want a golden goose! I want it now!"

Maybe it’s someone who’s always posting pictures of luxury cars with a caption that says, “another new toy!! 🚘😍.” They just casually buy expensive cars like they're iced coffees while other people take years paying off a 2011 Honda that doesn’t have air conditioning.

lineup of expensive cars with caption that says "what their driveway looks like"

Maybe it’s someone who was gifted a brand new car by their parents, only to freak out because it wasn’t the specific color they wanted? Maybe it felt like watching an episode of My Super Sweet 16 in real life?

girl saying she wants a Range Rover and then saying "ew" when she finds out it's pre-owned

Perhaps it’s someone who only dresses in expensive designer clothes. Do they refuse to wear the same thing twice and even shame people who do?

Kate from Lizzie McGuire saying "you are an outfit repeater"

Spill all the details in the comments or by using this anonymous form! Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!