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    15 Ways "Breaking Bad" Has Made You A Better Person

    Believe it or not, there is a method to the show's madness.

    1. It encourages the pursuit of higher education.

    2. It forces you to contemplate life's really important questions.

    3. It teaches you to respect the art of fine dining.

    4. And motivates you to live each day to the fullest.

    5. It promotes making healthier food choices.

    6. Along with reinforcing the value of family.

    7. It reminds you to always wear protection.

    8. And gives you a newfound appreciation for pillows.

    9. It inspires you to always stay young at heart.

    10. It helps you to recognize the importance of spelling.

    11. And math!

    12. Not to mention the show's fashion-forward way of thinking.

    13. It reminds you to never take your work too seriously.

    14. And to consider the possibility of a higher power.

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    15. But most importantly, it brought you the wonder that is Saul Goodman.

    So thanks, Breaking Bad, for keeping our priorities so crystal clear.