26 Nathan And Haley Moments From "One Tree Hill" That Prove No Other Teen Drama Couple Compares

    "Don't say I never gave you anything."

    There are lots of great couples on One Tree Hill.

    Brooke and Julian with their twins

    But let's be honest: No One Tree Hill relationship quite compares to Nathan Scott and Haley James, aka Naley.

    Nathan and Haley in Season 3

    Not only are they the best couple on the show, they're one of the best teen drama couples ever.

    Here are some moments that prove Naley has one of the greatest love stories on TV:

    Spoilers ahead!

    1. First, when Haley reluctantly agreed to tutor Nathan and he gave her the iconic Cracker Jack bracelet.

    2. When they went on their first date and named all the things they liked about each other.

    3. When Nathan decided to change for Haley.

    Nathan says he wants to be somebody who's good enough to be seen with Haley

    4. When they had their first kiss and it was, of course, perfect.

    5. When Nathan snuck out of the hospital so he could see Haley and tell her how much she meant to him.

    Nathan says when he collapsed at the game he realized nothing else matters but them

    6. When Nathan told Haley he was in love with her.

    Via nathahscott.tumblr.com

    7. When they made up after an argument and kissed in the rain.

    8. When Nathan told Haley he wanted to be with her forever, even if it wasn't "normal" for their age.

    9. When they got married!!

    Yes, this plot was absolutely ridiculous, but it was still iconic.

    10. When they made the most ridiculous voicemail message together.

    Haley jokingly says they can't come to the phone right now because they're busy having sex

    11. When Haley wanted their marriage back and Nathan showed her he still cared, even if he wasn't quite ready to forgive her for leaving with Chris yet.

    Nathan hands Haley a flower and says the roots are still there, it just takes time

    12. When Nathan revealed that he kept the newspaper clips of Haley's tour.

    Nathan: "I was hurt but I was still proud of you every day"

    13. When Nathan didn't even need to open his eyes to see that Haley was worried.

    14. When they decided to renew their vows.

    Nathan asks Haley to marry him again in front of all their friends and family, she replies "always and forever" and kisses him

    15. When Nathan made the winning shot against his basketball rival and Haley leapt into his arms in celebration.

    16. When Rachel tried to make a move on Nathan and he immediately shot her down.

    Rachel asks if she would have had a shot with Nathan if Haley wasn't pregnant, he replies, "Not for a second"

    17. When Haley told Nathan they were having a boy.

    18. When they vowed to grow old together.

    Nathan says Haley is going to be wheeling her around when he's 80

    19. When Nathan told Haley he got into the NBA.

    Nathan thanks Haley for believing in him, Haley replies, "Thank you for being worth it"

    20. When Haley told Nathan she didn't want to see him lose his dream, and he had the perfect response.

    Nathan: "Lose her? She's right here and I'm never letting go"

    21. When they were still so in love after so many years together.

    Haley says it's nice to be in love with Nathan after all this time, he replies, "It's everything after all this time"

    22. When they fist-bumped to being "a couple of total screw-ups."

    23. When Nathan teased Haley about being a nerd in school.

    Jamie says Nathan told him Haley was a nerd in school

    24. When they reunited after Nathan was kidnapped.

    25. When Haley said she was never letting go of Nathan again.

    Haley says she would sew her skin to Nathan's if she could

    26. And finally, when they kissed in the rain one more time at the end of the series.
