Lawyers Explained What TV And Movies Always Get Wrong, And It's So Interesting

    I, for one, would gladly hire Molly Ringwald as my defense attorney.

    We recently asked the lawyers and legal experts of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us what mistakes TV and movies always make with courtroom scenes. Here are some of the biggest takeaways:

    🚨 Minor spoilers ahead! 🚨

    1. First, questioning witnesses is never as dramatic as it appears on TV and in movies.

    lawyer asks Paige how many men she's had sex with on "Degrassi"

    2. Cases take a really long time to actually go to trial.

    "SpongeBob" narrator: "Three hours later"

    3. Most cases are settled out of court before they ever go to trial.

    4. Lawyers can't just spring a surprise witness on everyone.

    Lawyer on "The Simpsons": "Your honor I'd like to call of my surprise witnesses again"

    5. Courtrooms aren't usually packed with audiences.

    "Riverdale" packed courtroom for Archie's trial

    6. Lawyers can't just yell "objection!" without a clear reason.

    Prosecutor on "The Undoing": "Objection!"

    7. Randomly standing up and slamming your fist would be considered super rude in real life.

    Bernie Sanders slamming fist on table meme

    8. You have to ask the judge for permission for everything — you can't just pace around the courtroom.

    Jacob's attorney talking to the jury during opening statement on "Defending Jacob"

    9. Evidence is never entered at the last minute.

    "Defending Jacob" prosecutor: "Commonwealth moves to enter into evidence"

    10. Non-parents can't just randomly file for custody because they feel like it.

    Mary Louise from "Big Little Lies": "I think Max and Josh should reside with me"

    11. If someone is found not guilty, they can't just immediately walk out and leave.

    "Defending Jacob" Jacob walks out of court and answers questions from press

    12. Representing family members in court is a pretty bad idea in real life.

    Archie and his mom in court on "Riverdale"

    13. Lawyers aren't supposed to argue during questioning.

    lawyer questioning Winston from "Degrassi"

    14. And finally, lawyers don't spend the majority of their days in court.

    Haley from "The Undoing"

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and clarity.