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    19 Jim And Dwight Friendship Moments From "The Office" That Are Better Than Any Of Jim's Pranks

    "Identity theft is not a joke, Jim!"

    1. First, when someone mistakenly thought they were dating:

    2. When Jim complimented Dwight's fashion sense:

    3. When they dressed up as each other:


    4. When Jim sincerely tried to comfort Dwight when he was heartbroken over Angela:

    5. When Dwight left Scranton and Jim admitted he actually missed him:

    6. When they celebrated Halloween in a way only they could:

    7. When they shared dessert...and a bed:

    8. When Dwight was the only one who could get Jim and Pam's baby to go to sleep, so he took full advantage of the opportunity:

    9. When Dwight was the least helpful person on the planet:


    10. When they bonded over dinosaurs:

    11. When Jim reminisced over the good old days:


    12. When they ran a "no-nonsense office":


    13. When Dwight put his best foot forward:


    14. When they invented the ultimate catchphrase:

    15. When they were on the party planning committee together:


    16. When they teamed up on a prank instead of pranking each other:

    17. When Roy attacked Jim so Dwight stepped in and pepper-sprayed Roy:

    18. When they vouched for each other:

    19. And finally, when Jim had a surprise for Dwight's wedding: