
Kelly H.

I learned young that all good things come to those who wait and that "hard work and perseverance bring reward." My parents have done all they can for me and I only hope to one day repay them for their sacrifices. I have taken my chances, and i suppose the rest is left up to God. I love music, I love sound, I love what music has done for my life and the many times I have used it to truly get through a day. It is my life support, my blood line, my saving grace. My Dad is the coolest cat on the planet and anyone who knows my dad will say the same and probably more. He has guided me and given me the emotional, moral, and spiritual support that I have needed through the toughest years of my life. He does all he can for anyone he can and there is no one with more love than him. Except maybe my mother, my momma, she has been so much to me and she continues to surprise me everyday. She has always been a mother but now that i am able to understand her she has become my very good friend. She has enabled me to do so many things and shown me the utmost of love and sacrifice for which I could never repay her...My brother and sister mean more to me than they could ever know. I could say it a thousand times and it would never explain how much I really love them and what lengths I would go through for them, I only hope they'll eventually know... my Jenny and my Timmy wimmy...My girls are my life, my aims, my bethys, my marvelous mandys, and now my beautiful baby bambino are more than I could ever deserve. I never realized how blessed i was until i couldn't see my life (my girls) everyday and there are no words to describe how much I miss my them, my cup runneth over... :O) i'm dying without you girls - my heart aches - i love you more than you could ever, ever know. please never forget that!

Jun 2009
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