
Kelli B.

I'm a hard worker, if I am working at all. I'm in the process of finding it in this really tough job market. I've spent some time in retail, which is a love/hate relationship. In the meantime I get by through my endless freelance art and photography. I am currently married to the man of my dreams, my best friend in the entire universe, Matthew Bren. We're happily married, even though love truly is like a roller coaster. But since we're such great friends we are committed to each other and see ourselves through everything. We're a team in this marriage. I am a former member of the United States Navy- I served a brief time, but I had no choice to leave... I was getting sick constantly and it wasn't helping my command much by being in medical all the time. But I go to steer the aircraft carrier, which is honored USS Ronald Reagan, I saw many beautiful skies that I've never seen on land... and dolphins! I am content, however, being home. It feels so good to be a civilian- you will never know until you are in the services, especially in boot camp lol.

Jul 2009
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