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    18 Signs You Went To FPC/FPU

    Franklin Pierce, the 14th President of the United States and widely regarded as one of the worst Presidents in American history, has an institution of higher education named after him in southwestern New Hampshire. As the alma mater goes, "we remember well"... or do we? Take this stroll down memory lane.

    1. You know how to say Rindge properly.

    2. Two words: Mr. Mikes

    3. You totally understand why buildings on campus are named after a bunch of Italian men.

    4. Even though they have a football team now, you still refuse to acknowledge it.

    5. You have told a freshman that the school motto "Ex umbris ad lucem" really means "there is nothing left to do but get drunk".

    6. You still have issues with the transition to a university.

    7. Walter Peterson... enough said.

    8. Temple Grandin is our most famous alumni.

    9. You wish they would institute geese hunting season again.

    10. You have gone skinny dipping in Pearly Pond.

    11. Your friends don't understand how there are no real bars near campus and how you have to make your own entertainment.

    12. The Manor will never be Peterson Hall. Ever.

    13. Party in I tower?

    14. You have either seen, heard, or taken part in the bubble collapsing.

    15. If you are a history or political science major, you desperately hate the business and sports management majors.

    16. If you are a business or sports management major, you don't understand why the history and political science majors hate you.

    17. You know the hardcore, tree sleeping hippies live in the Sawmills.

    18. After you graduate in an assload of debt, you still long for the good old days of raging in Lakeview with a 30 of stones and/or waking up to this view.