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    10 Misconceptions People Who Have Never Left The South Have About NYC

    As told by the Kardashians

    1. It is a trash wasteland

    2. People cover every inch of land, like ants to an anthill

    3. Home to the Statue of Liberty and the rudest people in the country

    4. There are just as many rats as people. No matter where you look, there they are

    5. Only millionaires can afford the city

    6. Celebs are everywhere and you WILL see one

    7. Everyone is out to steal your purse/wallet/phone

    8. There are crazay homeless people on every corner

    9. Pizza is the main religion

    10. Trees, and nature in general, are as rare as mythical creatures

    Some may not be totally wrong, but it's the greatest city on Earth, so whatever