21 Truths You Only Know If You Met Your Significant Other Online

    It's all OKCupid, baby, 'cause you're the Lava-my-Life.

    1. In your phone contacts, your better half's name is still their first name + the dating site you met on.

    2. You agreed on a backup "how we met" story long ago.

    3. Your parents think you met through mutual friends.

    4. Your friends think you met through other mutual friends.

    5. Only your closest friends know how you really met, and telling them was like confessing murder.

    6. But you still secretly dream of getting married and being on one of the "success story" online dating commercials.

    7. And you're not alone, according to a Match.com survey, meeting online is the #1 way people are getting first dates.

    8. Sometimes you're still afraid that you're being elaborately catfished.

    9. You use your match percentage as leverage during fights.

    10. You knew things were getting serious when you both agreed to deactivate your online dating accounts.

    11. Your heart fluttered the first time they told you, "You're even prettier than your profile picture."

    12. You realize that You've Got Mail could actually happen, because you've run into your failed experimental Tinder date twice.

    There are 8 million people in New York, WHAT ARE THE ODDS? (Pretty good, actually.)

    13. You still buy your significant other's gifts based on what you remember from the "interests" section of their profile.

    14. Occasionally, you accidentally mention something from their profile that you've never talked about in person.

    15. When you're feeling nostalgic, you go back and read your first message thread.

    16. And you fondly remember how swept away you were by their correct grammar.

    17. You still jokingly call each other by your screen names.

    18. You have an endless reserve of cyber sex jokes.

    19. Whenever you're feeling frustrated with your relationship, you revisit your strangest messages to remind yourself how lucky you are.

    20. So, so lucky.

    21. So go give your babe a Tinder hug, tell them that everything's OKCupid, and that they're the Lava-your-Life.

    Correction: You have a way better chance at finding love than .03%, more than a third of marriages between 2005 and 2012 began online. Our bad.