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    27 "Gilmore Girl" Gifts Your Mom Will Actually Like

    Or for yourself, tbh. We won't tell.

    1. If your mom's your guidepost for everything:

    2. If you and your mom are quirky backpack ladies with a case of wanderlust:

    3. If your mom is attracted to pie (but doesn't feel the need to date it):

    4. If you and your mom both enjoy a good cup of coffee with a shot of cynicism:

    5. Or if your mom prefers a martini instead:

    6. And if she knows how to make an excellent drunken exit:

    7. If your mom filled your house with love and fun and books and music, unflagging in her efforts to give you role models from Jane Austen to Eudora Welty to Patti Smith:

    8. If your mom has a thing for fear-biters:

    9. If your mom would secretly like to be Mrs. Backwards Baseball Cap:

    10. If you and your mom both share the same values:

    11. If your mom taught you everything she knows:

    12. If your mom's been waiting all summer to quote Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood with you:

    13. If your mom totally disagrees with Luke's "no cell phones" rule:

    14. If your mom totally agrees with Luke's "no cell phones" rule:

    15. If your mom knows special moments must be commemorated with an oil painting or a severed head or something:

    16. If your mom wants something jazzier than "Babette Ate Oatmeal":

    17. If your mom's a bit sweary:

    18. If your mom enjoys a good drink before Friday night dinner:

    19. If people don’t realize it takes years of training to be able to eat the way you and your mom do:

    20. If your mom knows there's no better distraction than a dog in a turban telling fortunes:

    21. If your mom's Team Logan when it comes to Rory:

    22. And if she's Team Max when it comes to Lorelai:

    23. If your mom is unafraid to have two glasses of wine at lunch:

    24. If you and your mom both agree it isn't a TV show, it's a lifestyle:

    25. If your mom only likes her coffee with her oxygen:

    26. If your mom's into bold shades of lipstick:

    27. If your mom's given you everything you need: