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Morgan Freeman Eating Girl Scout Cookies At The Oscars Is All Of Us

Morgan Freeman, the hero we need.

Morgan Freeman presented the award for Best Picture on Sunday night at the 88th Academy Awards. He looked regal and perfect, as per usual.

When Spotlight won, he handed out the coveted Oscar statues, gracious and smiling.

The show was running long, so host Chris Rock popped out to do his quick closing monologue. He was holding a box of Girl Scout cookies.

They were left over from earlier in the night, when Rock had rallied the Oscar audience to buy Girl Scout cookies.

Michael Keaton is like, "LOL COOKIES!" but do you see Morgan Freeman in the background? Do you see his body language?

This is not a game. Morgan Freeman is about to get himself some goddamn cookies.

The desire in his eyes is so real.

As Michael Keaton politely debates how best to take a cookie, Morgan Freeman PUTS HIS FIST RIGHT INTO THE COOKIE SLEEVE. RIGHT INTO IT.

Does he wait to get offstage before he takes a bit of his cookie? No he does fucking not. He puts TWO COOKIES right in his mouth.


And then, he PEACES OUT.

As Chris Rock is STILL TALKING, Morgan Freeman walks offstage, because let's be real: He got his cookies.

As everyone else rushes onstage, our lone hero moves against the tide. He is unafraid to go against the crowd.

This is our last glimpse of Morgan Freeman, Cookie Hero.

Watch the whole quick but timeless moment here:

Morgan Freeman is a champion.

Morgan Freeman is an American hero.

Morgan Freeman is God.

BuzzFeed has reached out to Morgan Freeman’s rep to ask whether he has eaten all the cookies.