Matthew McConaughey Has Reached Peak Hot Dad Mode

    We are blessed.

    Matthew McConaughey is a man of many looks. He's gifted us with many McConaughi over the years.

    Casual McConaughey.

    Formal McConaughey.

    Happy Scruff McConaughey.

    Somber Scruff McConaughey.

    Lincoln McConaughey.

    But on this most blessed McConauday, we may have been given the greatest McConaughey yet: Dad McConaughey.

    Observe: The Dad socks, patterned with little MUSTACHES, rolled down over his Nike sneakers.

    Observe: The Dad Adidas shorts.

    Observe: The adorable Dad bracelet, probably something one of his kids made him.

    Observe: The Dad Face — the face that says, "Did you empty the dishwasher?"

    "Close the front door — we aren't paying to air-condition the entire neighborhood."

    "Listen to your mother."

    "Clean your room."

    Welcome, McConaudad. We embrace you.

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