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Here's The Heartbreaking Detail In "Logan" You Probably Missed

Goddamnit, Professor X.

If you've seen Logan, you know it has a very different feel from past X-Men movies. It's gritty and dark and extremely violent — but it still reunites our two faves, Logan and Professor Charles Xavier.

The look of that water tank is important. This weekend at Halon Entertainment's WonderCon panel, Logan production designer Francois Audouy explained how they included a sweet, extremely sad nod to Professor X's past using it.

While scouting filming locations in New Mexico, Audouy came across an abandoned lumber mill and was struck by the beehive burner on site (below).

When designing the Charles' water tank from scratch, Auduoy remembered those little holes from the beehive burner, and incorporated that lighting effect into building the water tank.

An interesting parallel started to form in his mind. "As we were going down this path of designing this tank, it started to really feel like a strange fever-dream version of Cerebro from the [past] X-Men films," Audouy said.

"I thought that was an interesting and poetic metaphor," he said. "[There's] this sort of starfield effect you get when you go into the water tank that mimics the starfield you see in Cerebro at X-Mansion."

So at the end of his life, Professor X is surrounded by lights, a constant reminder of his former power. I'm not crying, you're crying.