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    Would Obama Support New Gun Restrictions?

    White House: Obama would support new gun laws

    The American people are very much distressed over the tragic shooting that took place in Newtown, Connecticut. Guns owners, and 2nd Amendment supporters, are showing much concern in regard to possible gun restrictions. No actions have been set quite yet, but the White House has issued a statement.

    Statement issued from White House correspondent, Joe Manchin:

    "The President called me this afternoon. We agree that as Americans and parents, all of our children belong to all of us – and we must work together to keep our precious children safe.

    I believe that we must have a dialogue and bring parties from all sides to the table. I know my friends at the NRA and those who support our Second Amendment rights will participate because I know that their hearts are aching for the families in Newtown, just like all Americans.

    To have a productive dialogue, we also need to address a number of critical issues, including our mental health system, safety in our schools and a media and entertainment culture that glorifies unspeakable violence.

    What I have learned since coming to Washington is that there are some who will vilify you for being open to a conversation with anyone you might not agree with. That’s wrong – as Americans, we all need to sit down and have a serious, adult conversation about the best actions to move forward. The deaths of these children demand that each and every one of us in Washington and the United States be willing to talk with each other."

    According to a source (WGAN) from Portland, Maine - gun, and ammo sales have gone up immensely in gun shops in the state alone. According to the source, "A number of gun shop owners say people are buying firearms and extra-capacity ammunition clips they worry might be banned."

    While America is mourning - there're those that are hoarding. Gun owners expect the worst out of this, while others expect the best. People haunted by the tragedy, are hoping for a solution.