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    Just 25 Random Products That Won’t Cost You A Cent Over $25

    You're about to enter a guilt-free shopping zone.

    1. This lip balm that's packed with SPF 30 to help protect your smacker from harmful UV rays. The lime flavour will remind you summer and it has coconut oil, aloe vera, and vitamin E in it to soothe and moisturize your pout on those super sunny days.

    A person holding a tube of lip balm

    2. These glasses with a dark tortoise print that'll make you look equal parts studious and chic. The round frames have a subtle vintage shape, without looking too dated and you can choose between prescription, blue light-blocking, and tinted lenses.

    A pair of glasses on a plain background

    3. This pill case that looks like a fancy pocket watch. It's incredibly durable and has multiple compartments, so you can store three different kinds of pills or organize them by time of day.

    4. This ice cube tray with a silicone lid that'll lock in water, so you can store it at any angle in your freezer. Plus, the lid and thick handles make it easy to stack on top of other things.

    5. These glasses holders that'll attach to your visor, so your shades are always within reach. They're large enough to fit two pairs of sunglasses and reviewers also use it to keep track of bank cards, receipts, and other other small items they don't want to lose.

    6. This hand cream that'll keep your digits from drying out like the Sahara Desert. It's a salve, meaning it's a bit thicker than your traditional lotion, so you won't have to reapply it constantly.

    A tube of hand cream lying on a pile of braided rope

    7. This lid attachment that'll help you upcycle your old Mason jar into an adorable piggy bank. The mouth works as a coin slot and you can rest it on its side, using the legs to complete the piglet look.

    A Mason jar with a pig face on the lid

    8. This 2-in-1 water bottle and dispenser for your dog that you'll want to keep in your bag at all times. Just turn it on its side and push the button to fill the little bowl at the top. And when you're done, press the lock button to keep it from leaking.

    A dog drinking from a small water bottle with a bowl attached to the lid

    9. This fancy lacquer tray that's as stylish as it is functional. You can use it to hold all your small jewels (like rings and earrings) or you can keep it by the front door as a place to stash your keys, so you'll never forget where they are.

    10. This plant-based laundry soap, if you just want to wash a couple of things and don't have enough clothing to do a full load. It's perfect for the clothes you don't want to put in the washing machine for fear of shrinking or getting damaged, like sweaters and lingerie.

    A person holding a small bottle of laundry detergent over a basin filled with water

    11. This illustrated greeting card that is so cute you'll want to send one to everyone you know. It's printed on thick canvas paper, so it's basically a mini art print that your pen pal can frame after reading your message.

    A card with drawings of chicken nuggets and message that says you're the sauce to my nuggies

    12. These slow cooker liners that'll save you from having to soak and scrub your entire appliance after you've made a delicious (but messy) meal. You can even use a couple at the same time to cook two things at once. And once you're done, just remove the liner and toss it out.

    A slow cooker pot that's divided in two with thin pot liners

    13. This exfoliating scrub by Head & Shoulders that'll help you get rid of all the dead skin and grime building up on your scalp. It's loaded with vitamin E and argan oil to help hydrate your scalp and hair, making it a great product for anyone with super-dry hair.

    A person holding two small tubes of scalp scrub

    14. This slotted lipstick holder that'll keep your favourite lip products within reach. There are six slots for your lipstick, and it even has smaller slots in the centre for lip liners and brushes.

    A small lipstick holder with seven compartments that have different lip products in them

    15. This wide roller stamp that'll cover all the private information on your papers and envelopes with a thick, dark ink. Now you can recycle your mail, without worrying about of someone stealing your personal information. No shredder needed!

    16. This liquid lipstick by Nyx Cosmetics that'll actually last all day. It has a velvety matte lip shade on one end that won't flake or fade and a clear gloss on the other, if you want to add a little shine to your look.

    A bunch of liquid lipstick tubes in a row

    17. This reusable tissue box that's actually cute. It'll better suit your home decor vibes and it has a removable lid, making it a breeze to refill.

    A tissue box on a wooden stool

    18. This container of raw honey that would probably make Winnie the Pooh jealous. It's harvested by bees in Alberta and comes in a ton of different flavours (like tumeric, berry, and cacao) that'll give whatever you're eating an extra zing of flavour.

    19. These coasters that’ll protect your coffee table from spills, scratches, and ring marks. They're made of cork with beautiful botanical illustrations on top that'll add a little rustic charm to your space.

    A glass mug rest on a cork coaster

    20. This bottle of Dawn dish spray that'll save you some time scrubbing hardened food off your pots and pans. It works without water, so you just have to spray, wipe, and rinse your dishes clean.

    A person spraying dish wash on their dirty dishes in the sink

    21. These super-thin camera covers for anyone who takes their online privacy and security extra seriously. The covers are compatible with most devices and are a sleeker alternative to the piece of tape you're currently using.

    A person holding a phone with a small cover on the front camera

    22. This bamboo mat that'll make your bathroom look more like a spa. It has rubber feet on the bottom to keep it from sliding on the floor and the slatted design allows water to fall through, so it'll dry faster.

    A slatted wooden bath mat in front of a bathroom sink

    23. These fertilizer spikes that'll give your plant babies a much-needed dose of nutrients, because they're looking a little sad these days. They're great for any indoor plants, and you'll only have to replace them once a month (or every two months during the winter).

    24. A pair of cleaning brushes that'll remove the grime that builds up around your shower tiles, sink, and tub. They’re made with extra-durable nylon bristles that won’t weaken or wear out over time, so you can finally stop using your old toothbrushes to reach those hard-to-clean spots.

    25. And finally, this tin of lip balm that'll give your pout an extra boost of hydration. It'll help repair cracked and flaking skin, and reviewers love that the texture isn't as thick as regular Vaseline.

    A pile of lip balm tins in a circle

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