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    16 Undeniable Reactions You Get When You Say "I'm From South Dakota!"

    South Dakotans may be rare, but we do exist.

    1. People still live there?

    2. I bet you have a lot of guns.

    3. So, like, how did you end up here?

    4. Is that the place with the big desert?

    5. What do people do there?

    6. What's the difference between North Dakota & South Dakota?

    7. Which one has Mt. Rushmore?

    8. So you live on a farm, right?

    9. ...Wait... what's a combine?

    10. Do people have iPhones there?

    11. I hear you get a lot of snow there.

    12. Your school was how small?!

    13. Really? You talk like you're from the South.

    14. Hmmm.. where's South Dakota again?

    15. You don't look like it!

    16. Ohhh.. I'm sorry.