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    Ladies, Let’s Control Our Own Careers

    Stop asking for permission and start acting!

    Oh, 2015. You were chock full of deflated balls, celebrity divorces and Drake memes. However, 2015 lacked something crucial—progress. Sure, Carly and Hilary threw their hats into the election ring, but even a former CEO and Secretary of State had to deal with the inevitable sexism that lurks in the corners of America. No one questioned the attractiveness of Carson or O'Malley, but Fiorina's face somehow barred her from being a suitable presidential candidate. Trump's extramarital affairs during his first of three marriages is personal, but attacking Hilary for having a cheating husband is fair game. I respectfully understand that President Clinton's affair was inappropriate and, as the former leader of our country, the Lewinsky scandal should be considered fair game. However, we as a society must ask ourselves, when did it become appropriate to ignore a woman's résumé and emphasize her inability to "satisfy her husband" in a campaign to run the free world?

    Sexism does not affect only the famous and powerful. Washington is still an old boys club, and no matter the field of work, women feel pressure. The pressure to balance a family and be successful at work, to be smart but not too smart, attractive but not too attractive, assertive but…you get the point.

    As 2016 begins, I can only hope that women across our country will begin to demand change. If we ever want to succeed on the forefront of equality, we must conform to a new way of thinking.

    Forget asking, start doing. Women are rational creatures. We analyze and research every possible avenue, sometimes to our demise. Men jump in and take the lead on projects, brainstorm creative ideas, and voice their opinion without hesitation. Women, however, hold their tongues instead of speaking up, even when they are an expert on the topic. For 2016, it's time for all employees to hold their own in the conference room. Let's stop asking everyone around us if our hunch is correct. Let us set our own goals and pursue new projects and clients. Women need to realize that they were not hired to fill a cube in the office–they were hired to help the company succeed. If we want to be fulfilled in our work, we need to do more than take up space at the conference table.

    Leaning in is so 2015. Start kicking down doors. Embracing risks and challenges in the workplace is important, but so is asserting your right to lead. Women need to understand that promotions, fulfillments and gratifications are not always given when they are deserved. If we want to be given what is rightfully ours, we must demand it. Do not settle. Do not make excuses. Innovators in your field of work received that title because they colored outside the lines. Blaze your own trail and make moves like a boss.

    Learn to say yes. Learn to say no. Time and time again, I notice women saying yes when they truly want to say no. Stressed out and overworked, women will take on extra projects because of their fear of saying no, I can't add this to my workload. Why is it that women feel ashamed to give an honest response? On the other end of the spectrum is the issue with saying yes. Whether it is stress or anxiety or diffidence, women are constantly turning down new ventures. What is life if we don't take risks? Saying yes opens doors to new work ventures, new hobbies, even new relationships. In 2016, women need to begin saying yes to things that live outside of their comfort zone and having the courage to pass or delegate when necessary. The sooner women are able to do that, the sooner they can evolve and change their current conditions.

    Make no apologies. It is no secret that women are constantly apologizing at work, especially when there is nothing to apologize for. What is the social blunder behind a woman not apologizing for making a decision, a suggestion, or a remark? Ladies, if you are under the impression that your decisions, choices or ideas are the best option, state it without apology. Furthermore, start embracing the woman you are, inside and out. Your beauty does not ascertain your intelligence and your intelligence is not determined based on your attractiveness or social standings.

    Ladies, it's time to take control of your career. Do not allow social norms to decide your fate. If you truly want it, you can have it all. Sit at the table, climb the corporate ladder, shatter the ceiling and make 2016 your best year yet.