
Kayla L.

As you may have guessed, my name is Kayla [but you can call me Kiku]. Likes: ~Read above for multiple examples~ -Pokemon :P [And about a billion other anime/manga] -Nice people -My friends -Travelling -Shopping -DDR [even though I suck] -Harajuku fashion -Cosplay -Otherwise finding a reason to dress up -Playgrounds -Loitering -Walking fast, and normally in a loop that gets me nowhere -Shoes. Preferably one with massive heels and/or platforms -Urban Decay cosmetics -Messing around with HTML and CSS -Sushi -The internet [shock horror.] -Concerts -Hiding -Caffeine -Or the correct amount of sleep so that I don't need it -Ranting about my dislikes Dislikes: -Spiders -Meat -Current pop music, all country music, all jazz music. -Mushrooms -Trying to figure out what on Earth I'm supposed to put in an "about me" box /: -L33t 5p34k <--- That horrid typing and the people that think that it is cool -When people try to tell you something important over the phone/internet/etc. instead of telling you in person -When the above people don't even bother to spell check what they wrote. It shows that they didn't actually think about what they were typing before they sent it D< -Littering [Just put it in the bin... only a few steps away.] -Blowing religion out of proportion -Cigarette smoke -Illegal drugs in general. And the people that use them. -Alcohol -When people over-drink. Especially if they drive D< -When people judge me before they know me -Sarcasm -Body hair and bad hygiene -Nosey people, back-stabbers, cheaters, liars, idiots, shallow people, snobs, popular people that think they're better than me just because I'm not popular, sexists, homophobes, close-minded people, two-faced people, people that try to make conversation with me in class, people that take their education for granted and end up getting expelled/suspended after using up tax-payers money ...Enjoy.

Feb 2010
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