We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    39 Products That'll Help You Start Off Spring With A Clean And Organized Space

    The time has come to give your space a refresh.

    1. A jar of internet-beloved The Pink Stuff — this all-purpose cleaning paste has over 112,000 5-star reviews for a reason! 🌟 It can help remove even the toughest stains, dirt, grime, and rust from your appliances, walls, dishes, glass, floors, you name it!

    Reviewer using it to clear up hard water stains in tub
    A customer review before and after photo showing the results of using The Pink Stuff on their stovetop

    Promising review: "Honestly I was very skeptical when I first purchased. Everyone on social media was talking about how amazing this product was for cleaning around the house and I just thought they were all jumping on some kind of bandwagon. Of course I caved and had to try it for myself. Needless to say I’m very impressed! It removed stubborn mold and grime from my shower tile grout with use of a hard-bristle toothbrush. It removed hard water stains from my sinks and faucets. I noticed it really does remove mineral buildup, but it takes a lot of elbow grease and repetitive applications before you start seeing progress. The texture feels similar to when you mix honey with sugar to make a lip scrub, except it’s super-fine grit and more pasty like putty or clay. It works amazing so far! No overpowering smell (barely any smell at all), easy to use, and a little product goes a long way. I haven’t tried it on rust yet so we’ll see how that goes. Overall very pleased and impressed so far. Highly recommend!" —Marissa 

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97.

    2. A heavy-duty grout cleaner to help you remove product residue, dirt, and stains from your tile floor. You probably forgot what the original floor even looked like — prepare to be amazed. 

    Promising review: "We moved into our house a year ago and I’ve been on a quest to clean the grout next to the stove ever since then. I’ve tried everything — store products, DIY solutions, Pinterest recommendations, you name it. As a last resort I got this and holy cow! I left it on for three minutes as a spot test at first and I could already see a huge difference. I then did two more rounds letting it sit for five minutes each. The scent's not bad, it was fine if I had the window open, it was just being down close to it that got me. Seriously, stop looking and buy this." —Britney Phillips

    Get it from Amazon for $21.95.

    3. A set of clear refrigerator bins that'll allow you to keep it super organized in there while still having everything visible. Prepping dinner, putting groceries away, and grabbing a snack will all become a much smoother process. (You can thank us later.) 

    Promising review: "Excellent organization system! I once opened the fridge often, always looking for something I hadn't seen the last time I checked. The thing is — I often found something new because it just wasn't organized in a functional way. Now, with this system, I find what I'm looking for the first time. And when a bin is empty, I know I need to buy more of that product and just ask my smart home to add that item to my shopping list. Very grateful for the sense of calm and control that this fridge organization system has given me, and for all of the food that is no longer going bad in the back of the fridge!" —Chelsea T.

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $36.43.

    4. And a set of customizable waterproof stickers you can use to really organize your refrigerator, pantry, or any space you want! With this beautiful system in place, you won't have to worry about rummaging through every inch of the fridge trying to remember where you put the ranch dressing.

    Image of a fridge shelf with a black cursive sticker label that says
    stickers that say
    KW Printables/Etsy

    KW Printables is a Florida-based, woman-owned Etsy shop established in 2018 that specializes in customizable vinyl decals, planning printables, and gifts.

    Promising review: "Lovely shop owner, extremely prompt with answering all my questions. Very helpful to ensure I got the correct sizes for my labels. Fast turn around time and speedy shipping! I decided on gray labels and love that they almost blend in and aren’t so bold!!! Love having my fridge labeled!" —Krysta Buchholz

    Get it from KW Printables on Etsy for $2.50+ per label (available in multiple colors and sizes).

    5. A foaming garbage disposal cleaner so you won't smell a yucky, rotting aroma every time you go to do the dishes.

    foam in a sink
    sink with foam that has gone down the disposal

    Promising review: "These are amazing! I was skeptical at first but I followed the directions (which are super easy) and was grossed out and satisfied at the same time to see the gunk that was removed. You put the entire packet down your disposal (I read that twice too) and magic happens in under two minutes! That is what I call powerful and successful cleaning! The scent is super clean and light with a hint of lemon. These will definitely be a cleaning staple for me." —KPITT

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $3.78.

    6. A bottle of bestselling wood polish and conditioner to transform your old, worn-down furniture into the highlight of your house. It'll enhance the natural beauty of any wooden antiques, tables, cabinets, and more.

    Promising review: "This stuff is absolutely AMAZING. My wife and I were getting tired of looking at our worn-out cabinets and wood paneling and were very close to paying a professional thousands of dollars to refinish it all, but then we came across this product. Our paneling and cabinets were looking rough. We have two dogs who jumped up and scratched places; we also had an area that was damaged by water spots where our dog bowls were, and several other areas that were just worn from heavy traffic. Take a look at the pictures to see the before-and-afters. This stuff was like a Magic Eraser for water spots, scratches, scuffs, and any other blemish. We simply wiped the product on with a paper towel and let it sit for 20 minutes before wiping it off with a clean towel. Everything looks brand new. I'm buying a couple more so we can finish our cabinets and wood paneling. We're so glad we found this product." —Kris

    Get a bottle from Amazon for $9.98.

    7. A mold and mildew removal gel, because those tubs and showers can get gross within the blink of an eye. Just apply the gel on the surface, let it sit for 7 to 8 hours, and rinse it off — no scrubbing required!

    A moldy corner of a bathroom and an after pic with the mold all gone

    Promising review: "You guys. I’m embarrassed to even tell you this. But the grout around our tub was DISGUSTING. It was never caulked right and it got gross very quickly. I would scrub. The cleaning lady would scrub. It would get worse. Well, I was scrolling through FB as you do and came across one of those BuzzFeed lists: 20 cleaning products under $20 from Amazon you cannot live without...or some such nonsense. I am a sucker for those damn lists. But this stuff made me curious. I don’t know why it doesn’t have 10,000 good reviews. Seriously. All I did was squeeze it on and walk away. I let it sit overnight. Check this out. Buy it. Like today." —KarynB

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99.

    8. A bottle of jetted tub cleaner so you can get the junk out of your tub and actually have a nice, relaxing bubble bath. There can be plenty of dirt and dead skin cells hiding in those jets and they have no business sticking around. Simply run your water, pour in some cleaner, and start your jets.

    Promising review: "I have been wanting to get this product for a long time!!! My jetted tub was disgusting. I tried everything else. All of the Pinterest ideas that people claim work like a charm. Vinegar never worked. This stuff has made my jets sparkling!!! I did have to use mine two times since my tub was so bad. There are four uses per bottle. TOTALLY WORTH IT!" —Cpane

    Get it from Amazon for $17.84.

    9. A set of bed bands, because no one likes to wake up in the morning and realize their entire fitted sheet is now bunched up in the corner of their bed.

    Loose sheets on a bed
    Same sheets spread tightly across mattress

    Promising review: "I have a pillow-top and pillow-bottom queen-sized bed that is a little too small for king sheets and with queen sheets I have battled to keep the sheets from popping off. I have tried everything! I was about to try to customize some king sheets because it was so frustrating. Then I saw this product advertised on Facebook in one of those posts about the amazing products that people love. So I figured it was worth a try. It works. I was shocked. My sheets have not popped off once. I ordered this in February and it is May now — and they have not popped off once! They used to pop off EVERY...SINGLE...NIGHT. To say this is life changing is not an exaggeration. Such a relief to be able to sleep through the night without ending up in rumpled sheets." —TinkerbellAPixie

    Get a set of four from Amazon for $13.99.

    10. A hanging broom holder that'll also organize your mop, Swiffer, duster, and other awkward items that are usually leaning against your wall and constantly falling over.

    Promising review: "Repeat customer! I purchased one to organize the garden tools (rake, hoe, cultivator, shovel, etc.) in our garage and by alternating the tops of the tools up/down, was able to fit them neatly in the holder. Liked it so much, going to install another next to it for the other items. The hooks are a nice feature to hold our gloves and a simple plastic bag to hold things when needed." —Rob C.

    Get it from Amazon for $14.97 (available in four colors).

    11. A slim cutlery organizer tray for a compact way to keep your silverware sorted and easy to find. It takes up half the drawer space that most cutlery trays do and it even has little icons on it so there is no confusion when you go to grab a fork. 

    slim silver organizer in drawer with cutlery slid into it

    Promising review: "I have a tiny kitchen with only three drawers, so space is at a premium. My silverware organizer took up almost all of one drawer, so this organizer is a godsend. You can fit quite a few spoons etc. in each slot. My beater attachments fit perfectly into the top two hollows. You NEED this if you have a small kitchen with few drawers!" —mialro

    Get it from Amazon for $10.99 (available in four colors).

    12. A clever K-Cup storage drawer perfect for anyone with limited counter space. This fits right underneath your Keurig and stores 36 K-Cups!

    Each of these holds up to 36 standard-sized K-Cups.

    Promising review: "I am so glad I got this. It makes for such great streamlined storage. Keeps things tidy and neat, and also helps me keep track of how many cups I have left to determine whether or not I need to add to my grocery list. It is very sturdy and I fit my machine on top. The top is very durable, hard plastic and does not buckle with the weight of the machine filled with water on top." —tunisianswife

    Get it from Amazon for $19.95+ (available in 10 colors/styles).

    13. A stackable cabinet organizer so you can utilize all of that wasted vertical space. This handy thing can be used to stack cups, cans, pans, and more. 

    Two small metal shelves stacked on each other in a cabinet

    Promising review: "Let me start by saying that I’m not one to post a review about anything. I just ordered two sets of these and they transformed my pantry in the blink of an eye! They are high enough to accommodate my short basket full of half baggies of noodles and grains, and durable enough to hold any assortment of vinegars and home can goods. I ordered two sets (four shelves) and plan on buying more for the rest of my sloppy kitchen." —V

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $18.47 (available in two colors).

    14. An airtight pantry-organizing container set to help you organize your cereal, flour, snacks, and more in a neat, visible way that'll also keep them nice and fresh.

    Customer image of five air tight containers with dry and wet goods in them
    Customer image turning the container upside down to show it won't spill

    Promising review: "When you use OXO products, you know to expect quality and these storage containers did not disappoint! You get five containers in four sizes that perfectly vacuum seal to protect your food. The sizes are useful and versatile, and the airtightness means no worrying about pests. While these are recommended for storing dry goods, I put some liquid (olives and brine) in one of them to REALLY test the seal. Even when you turn it upside down, no liquid leaks out. Another nice feature is that you can partially disassemble the lid by removing the white plastic piece on top of the gasket, allowing you to completely clean the gasket. I tried this on the container with the olives, and it worked perfectly. The entire container has no residual smell. Overall, if you want the best in food storage containers, these OXO containers are absolutely essential!" —Emi A

    Get a set of five from Amazon for $54.95.

    15. A handy fridge deodorizer, which can get rid of any sketchy aromas within hours. It's effective for up to 6 months and works in the freezer as well. 

    A white deodorizer on a fridge shelf

    This deodorizer lasts up to six months, and also helps keep produce fresher for longer. The company claims it's six times more effective than baking soda — a ton of reviewers mentioned they'd tried the baking soda method and failed, but that this worked like a charm!

    Promising review: "OMG THIS THING ACTUALLY WORKS!!! I moved into my new apartment two months ago. When I first moved in I opened the freezer and fridge to sanitize since I have no idea if the previous tenants did, and boy oh boy when I opened it up... I got smacked in the face with the smell of old moldy food! I bleached it and decided to wait a day. Tried again the next day and the smell was still there. I bought some baking soda and put it in the fridge thinking it would solve it. Welp, it DIDN’T! Tried charcoal, tried taking bits apart and deep cleaning them and nothing worked. I got the two-pack and as soon as they came this morning I placed one in the fridge and one in my freezer. In an hour I noticed a difference. Went out to run some errands and when I got back home tonight I opened the fridge and noticed I couldn’t smell anything coming from it!" —Zoraida Gunter

    Get it from Amazon for $12.97.

    16. A set of washing machine-cleaning tablets to prevent your washer from making your chunky sweaters and flannel sheets smell funky.

    A model putting a tablet in the washing machine

    Promising review: My older model Whirlpool washing machine had been smelling very bad for about two months. We tried everything, white vinegar, beach, etc., it would stay fresh smelling for two days then back to the bad moldy smell. I read this product works so I ordered it. Used one tablet and the smell is gone!!! It has been three weeks now and it just smells fresh, no strong perfume odor either! Buy this product you will not regret it!!!" —A.C.

    Get a set of six tablets from Amazon for $11.95.

    17. A 3D-printed key holder/envelope keeper so you never have to worry about misplacing your keys or that one important bill you keep meaning to pay. 

    A white plastic cover for the lightswitch with three hooks for keys and a small shelf at the top for mail and a tiny notebook
    Crossover Designs/Etsy

    Crossover Designs is a Florida-based Etsy shop established in 2018 that specializes in 3D-printed home products.

    Each of these fits a standard double gang (toggle/rocker) light switch cover, and can be installed easily without drilling, nails, or glue.

    Promising review: "Love it! Simple, sleek, space-saving, smart... who knew I’d be so stoked for a switch plate cover! Not to mention the customer service was very personal and attentive." —Kelsey Johnson

    Get it from Crossover Designs on Etsy for $19.49+ (available in five colors and two finishes).

    18. A five-shelf hanging closet organizer sure to assist you in getting that packed closet in shape. Once all those pants and tops are folded and organized on shelves, you'll probably get a lot more use out of them!

    Five-tier hanging shelf with three mesh pockets on the side hanging in a closet in a bedroom

    Promising review: "I purchased this to free up space in my closet. For years I’ve always laid my sweaters over hangers and hung them up. As you can imagine, that took up most of the hanging space in my closet and resulted in many of my sweaters falling on the floor after slipping off the hanger. This product was super easy to assemble and it holds five to six sweaters per shelf. I love it!" —Nikki

    Get it from Amazon for $12.87 (available in eight colors).

    19. A drain snake clog remover covered in tiny hooks to grab all of the hair and build-up that's been stopping your sink or tub from draining properly. It's tough, yet flexible so you can get down in there and yank out all the grossness. No more standing in a puddle of dirty water during your shower!

    The drain snake going into a drain
    The drain snake coming out of the drain full of hair

    Promising review: I have tried everything I could think of to unclog my tub drain, all the nasty chemicals, plunging, auger, and then I came across these plastic strips with evil teeth LOL. They arrived today, didn't come with instructions, not that you really need any. I worked and worked and pulled out the horrific, nasty, slimy hair clog. It even pulled out a plastic razor cap (thank you teenage daughters). Mind you, that clog didn't come out in one full piece (gag), but in many pieces at first, the appetizers if you will. Finally, the main course reared its ugly head. Gross. These things work and work well. A little elbow grease and will power and voilà. My tub drain completely drains now. I couldn't be happier!" —GaPeach

    Get a set of three from Amazon for $5.37 (available in two lengths).

    20. A power scrubber brush so you can remove any of that hard-to-clean grossness that's caked up on your stove, shower, or floor. It may take some time and effort now, but that just means you can put it off for a while afterwards.

    Reviewer using the brush to clean grime out of a tub
    one of the brushes attached to a drill next to a shower pane with half still fogged up and the other super clear

    There are six different bristle designs to choose from. The white is a soft bristle, best for wheels, carpet, upholstery, glass, and leather; the yellow is a medium bristle, best for bathroom, bathtub, shower, tile, and porcelain; the green is a medium bristle, best for kitchen, stoves, cabinets, countertops, and linoleum; the blue is a medium bristle, best for boats, pools, canoe/kayaks, hot tubs, and plastics; the red is a stiff bristle, best for outdoors, siding, brick, garage, and gutter; and the black is a hard bristle, best for grills, loose paint, furnaces, ovens, and industrial use.

    Drill Brush is a small business based in New York State that makes cleaning brushes that attach to drills. It was started in 2007 by a former electrician who suffered from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and needed a way to clean without causing him harm.

    Promising review: These brush attachments are absolutely FABULOUS! I was looking for ways to clean a 20-year-old shower without having to spend hundreds of dollars to replace it. I saw a homemade version online so I searched and found the Drill Brush. A drill and some cleaner later and the shower looks brand new! So easy and no muscle strain! The toughest part was waiting for the drill battery to recharge so I could continue the transformation from dingy to DANG that looks great! The different sizes get into all angles of the shower. I will never scrub by hand again! Can't wait to try it on other surfaces!!" —Carrie

    Get it from Amazon for $18.95 (available in six designs). And make sure your grab a drill if you don't have one!

    21. A set of six clear drawer organizers to finally get those junk drawers tidied up — you'll probably be amazed at what's been hiding in there! The bins can be arranged any way you like and can work in many places, such as your desk, kitchen, or bathroom.

    Clear plastic organizers with makeup and jewelry in them in a drawer

    Promising review: "I love these stacking storage organizers. They fit perfectly in the bathroom drawers, even if you stack them. I use the smaller ones for holding cotton makeup pads and other smaller cosmetic items. I store fingernail polish and items I don't use every day in the larger square containers that fit on the bottom. The long ones are used in the top drawer for toothpaste, hairbrushes, tubes of smaller first aid items, moisture eye drops, etc. I liked them so well, I ordered a second set and threw away the thin, funky plastic organizers I had used for years. These are much classier." —JW

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $14.99.

    22. A set of velvet closet hangers so you can fit more into your closet and not worry about all of your shirts sliding off right after you just finished putting your laundry away.

    A BuzzFeed' editor's closet with shirts hanging on beige velvet hangers pressed together tightly
    Closeup of hangers showing how close they stack together
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    I bought about 60 of these six years ago just to streamline the ~aesthetic~ of my closet, and I have now carried them with me through three closets and two big moves and can't imagine using any other kind of hanger. The velvet locks all my shirts and coats in place so I never have to worry about finding them bunched up at the bottom of my closet whenever I jostle them looking for something to wear, and they have been a *godsend* for reducing the space taken up in my closet. I also just love how sleek and organized they make my closet look. A few reviewers mentioned the velvet coming off on their clothes, but I've never had an issue with the beige ones. 

    Get a set of 30 from Amazon for $16.99 (available in nine colors).

    23. Plus, a set of S-shaped hangers made for pants and scarves, great for freeing up some of that drawer space and allowing more of your wardrobe staples to be visible and organized. 

    A curved S-shaped hanger holding five pairs of pants on different tiers

    Promising review: "Quality hangers. Holds up well when fully loaded. Easy to remove pants when you need them. If I need more, I will easy repurchase this product." —kikoca

    Get three from Amazon for $11.99.

    24. A dishwasher magnet to prevent you from accidentally putting your dirty dinner plate in with all the clean dishes and then rerunning the whole thing.

    A customer using the magnet
    The magnets

    Promising review: "I bought this because of a TikTok video. Super cool and now nobody has to ask me if the dishes are clean or not." —D. Washington

    Get it from Amazon for $6.39+ (available in four designs).

    25. A reusable microfiber Swiffer mop pad that'll fit on your Swiffer, because they are better for the environment, more cost-efficient, and many reviewers say that they actually work better than the disposable pads.

    Promising review: "I bought these for the same reasons most do — to be more environmentally friendly. I like the size of my Swiffer Sweeper, but always felt like I wasn't getting my floors fully clean. We recently got a new apartment, and I always like to deep clean before we do any major moving. I used them dry and wet. I've always been disappointed with how the disposable pads from Swiffer (barely) picked up dog fur and crumbs, but as you can see in the picture it picked up so much! This was already after using a traditional broom. Then using them wet with diluted Mrs. Meyer's cleaning concentrate — wow! The water was BLACK by the time I was all done with our downstairs area. They were so easy to Velcro on and off, wet or dry. Once I was all done, getting them off and doing a quick rinse wasn't hard at all. I love that I am supporting a small family business with all the convenience of Amazon. I will definitely buy again (if I ever have to). I am so excited to use these for years to come and have a cleaner house than I ever have before!!" —Kathryn Willer

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $10.94.

    Psst — if you don't already have one, you can get a standard Swiffer on Amazon for $18.44

    26. A weekly meal planner so you're not walking aimlessly down the store aisles or rushing to throw together a list as you head out the door. Keeping a running list of what you need will make grocery shopping and meal prep a lot quicker.

    A person writing on the notepad stuck to the fridge

    The list magnetizes to the fridge, and has the meal plan on one side, and a perforated "shopping list" you can tear off and take with you on the other side.

    Promising review: "I’ve been starting to get into meal prepping and this planner really helps! I like being able to look up recipes on my phone, then write down whatever ingredients I still need on the grocery list section of this planner. Being magnetic is cool because you can hang it on the fridge. I love how the grocery list section can be ripped off so you can take it to the store, but the daily meal plans remain on the fridge so you can stay organized. This is a very simple idea, but it’s cute and helps keep me organized and motivated to plan out my meals." —Samantha M.

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95 (available in five designs).

    27. A popular pan shelf to maximize the space in your cabinets and help prevent your pots and pans from getting scratched up.

    A rack holding up five different sizes pans in a cabinet

    Promising review: "We have old cupboards, without the drawers that pull out to make access easier. Before we got this rack, our pots and pans were a jumble in a cupboard beneath the cook top. We have so much more space now that the skillets are stacked on this rack. A side benefit is that the nonstick pans don't get scratched because they aren't stacked inside one another. We love it." —Susan E.

    Get it from Amazon for $14.87 (available in three colors).

    28. A glass and ceramic cookware cleanup kit that'll keep your cooking area looking HGTV-approved. Cook up delicious meals without the fear of ruining your stove. 

    Promising review: "We bought our cooktop five months ago and it started developing really bad marks and stains. I tried everything to get it off, including baking soda, different detergents, etc. Really thought it was hopeless. We even tried to return our cooktop but because we couldn't we decided to give it one last try. Using the two tool that come with this cleaner we got 100% of the impossible stains off. I could not recommend this product more!!" —luckyrabbit

    Get it from Amazon for $13.83.

    29. A sandwich bag organizer ready to help you ditch the clunky boxes in your drawer. With this, you'll always grab the right size bag on the first try. 

    A wooden organizer with space for gallon, snack, sandwich, and quart-sized bags
    Southern Miss Design/Etsy

    Southern Miss Design is a South Carolina-based Etsy shop established in 2015 that specializes in custom vinyl monograms, organizational items, and gifts.

    Promising review: "Great product! Just what was needed for organizing my Ziploc bags!" — Jessica Hyde

    Get it from Southern Miss Design on Etsy for $33.50 (available assembled or unassembled and in two finishes).

    30. A six-outlet wall charger with a light and two USB ports, providing you with ample space to charge all of your devices. No need to stress over a lack of outlets in your work zone anymore.  

    Reviewer turning the light on and off the charger with items plugged in
    Charger with several large plugs in it

    Promising review: "I was constantly having to unplug something in my kitchen to make room for charging my iPhone or watch or using the slow cooker or any of the other half dozen things I wanted to use at the most convenient spot in the house...the kitchen counter. My 140-year-old house has a distinct shortage of outlets in the kitchen, so this product looked like a good option. It exceeded my expectations, and has made my electronic life much simpler. Features that I love other than the excellent number of outlet options it gives are that it screws into place (so it doesn’t pull out of the outlet when you try to unplug something), the versatility of having the USB ports, and the light feature that I appreciate a stupid amount. Yeah, the light switch is right next to it on the wall, but who wants to flip on a light just to plug something in? So basically the price was great, it arrived quickly, and it looks nice. I have a cordless phone plugged in, plus an Echo Show, my Apple Watch charger, my iPad, and an iPhone plugged in, with outlets to spare. I’ll run out of counter space before I run out of outlets." —HappyCarnivore

    Get it from Amazon for $14.73.

    31. A set of clear tiered organizing cubes you can arrange in tons of different ways to complement your space. Use it to display your books and decor or store bins of clothes and shoes that won't fit in your closet. 

    Promising review: "Lightweight, sturdy, and svelte. Great to combine with boxes with open tops. Requires a decent amount of force to fully attach the joints to the metal panels. Once fully assembled with joints entirely engaged, the structure is VERY satisfyingly sturdy. Can easily lift the entire empty structure and feels rigid. Highly recommend for minimalistic modular organizer shelf." —Reviewer Person

    Get it from Amazon for $34.19+ (available in seven colors).

    32. And a set of foldable cloth storage cubes perfect for concealing any clutter, whether it be games, toys, accessories, clothes — the possibilities are endless. They're great for organizing cubes (like the one above), closet shelves, or even storing under your bed. 

    Six beige storage cubes with side handles resting on different levels of a bookshelf
    reviewer using four cubes on their closet shelf with labels

    Promising review: "This is exactly what I anticipated, I wish they were just slightly bigger but I use them on the side in my closet almost like drawers. It's definitely a space saver for me because we have just downsized and wanted a neat solution for lack of space to put a dresser in the bedroom. They work great — if I was using them right side up I am quite sure they would be more sturdy, but honestly I am not complaining because they work great for me. These run anywhere from $5–$10 at any store I looked at so as far as value totally worth it!" —Gretchen Thro

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $19.97 (available in 11 colors).

    33. A plant-based all-purpose cleaner concentrate you can simply mix with water and spray on your dirty surfaces for a good scrub down. It'll leave your home looking spotless and smelling great. 

    Three bottles of all-purpose cleaner in three scents
    Humble Suds/Etsy

    Humble Suds is a Colorado-based, woman-owned small business established in 2014 that specializes in plant-based cleaning products.

    Promising review: "These are wonderful! I've used other all purpose cleaner concentrates, but they smelled terrible and didn't do much in terms of cleaning. These though! They smell great and definitely help me around the house. I bought one of each scent and I can't wait to try them all." —Megan Henderson

    Get it from Humble Suds on Etsy for $12.04 (available in three scents:  Grapefruit & Lemon, Tea Tree & Lavender, and Orange & Clove).

    34. A four-piece drawer divider set to keep your socks paired and your favorite undies in sight so you can quickly find what you need in the morning.

    Promising review: "I LOVE LOVE LOVE these organizers!! At just $15 for four organizers I took my chances and ordered two sets of four. I wear a 32DD and the bras fit beautifully in the organizers. I ordered another set for tank tops and other extras I did not think of before. I will also order my boyfriend the brown ones for his drawers. Great product for a great price!" —Elizabeth L. Blackwell

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $11.78 (available in seven colors).

    35. An air purifier designed to help capture 99.97% of airborne particles from your room. 😱 Once it sucks up that pet dander, lint, dust, and more, it'll be a (literal) ~breath of fresh air.~

    The black standing air purifier in a reviewer's home
    The filter before and after, showing all the particles it picked up

    Check out our full review of the GermGuardian air purifier for more deets!

    Promising review: "Wow, this air filter really works. I'm truly amazed and can literally breathe easier now. Prior to purchasing this, I was having to use my emergency inhaler three to four times per day and night since allergy season began. From the moment it was plugged in, I haven't had to use my inhaler at all, and I didn't even realize it until about a week of use. No more running nose, itchy eyes, wheezing, and sneezing 50 times in a row. I live in a pine forest in high altitude and it works that well. I highly recommend this to anyone who suffers from allergies and asthma — it has made my quality of life improve greatly." —calcrnflakegirl

    Get it from Amazon for $99.99+ (available in two colors). 

    36. A remote organizer so you don't have to keep yelling across the house to ask "Who had the remote last?!" — because it's lost... again. Now all of your controllers can have a permanent home. 

    A white and light wood rectangle-shaped holder with two compartments for remotes to rest in upright

    Promising review: "It's light but sturdy. The color is perfect and it's bigger than I expected. It holds my four remotes and still have room to put my phone so its not just on the nightstand. Love that it looks modern and keeps the nightstand nice and organized. I recommend this product." —Liudelis Compagines

    Get it from Amazon for $10.99.

    37. A set of dishwasher-cleaning tablets to remove all the grime from inside your machine and stop it from having any weird smells and hidden residue.

    before image of grimy dishwasher
    after image of shiny dishwasher

    Promising review: "Saved me from buying a new dishwasher!I have to admit that I was skeptical that this product was actually going to do anything. I’ve noticed my dishwasher wasn’t cleaning dishes very well lately, and I did everything I could to get it working properly again, but was ready to finally give up and buy a new dishwasher. I bought these tablets thinking they were designed to eliminate odors, but I was willing to give them a shot before buying a whole new dishwasher. I put one in the bottom of the dishwasher last night per the instructions and woke up to completely clean dishes for the first time in weeks. They look perfect. I don’t know why these tablets work but they absolutely did and I am a happy customer!" —B. Turner

    Get a six-pack from Amazon for $8.99.

    38. An electric pressure washer that'll get your outdoor furniture clean as new before you're ready to use them again. Use it to get rid of the mud, salt stains, and other unappealing messes left behind on your driveway, fence, garage, and more. 

    reviewer photo showing an outdoor wood chair being pressure washed, revealing how much grime and dirt is coming off
    reviewer photo showing a small portion of their wooden fence that they have pressure washed, revealing how much dirt and grime was coating it

    Promising review: "I love this washer. It competes with my 2,200-psi gas-powered pressure washer, which in fact I sold to keep this. But doesn't have the noisy gas engine or the heavy weight. Easy to move around lightweight and has great power. Very quiet. I love all the attachments and the different stream types. The soap dispenser works well. I'm cleaning everything, my deck, my house, the garage doors, the concrete slab. It takes off all the dirt and mold from the old concrete stairs and sidewalk." —Tim S.

    Get it from Amazon for $169.

    39. And finally, a magnetic hanging utensil set, which includes a slotted spatula, spaghetti server, slotted spoon, solid spoon, and ladle. You can keep all these handy tools in one convenient spot so they're ready to use for dinnertime (without taking up all of your precious drawer space). 

    The utensils sitting upright and stacked in their holder in shades of blue and green

    "Someone gifted me one of these many moons ago, and the utensils have held up for over five years! They're still as perfectly magnetized and functional as they were when they first arrived, and I barely ever notice them even though my counter space is approximately that of a lunch tray (wish I were kidding!!!)." —Emma

    Promising review: "We travel full-time and move every three months so everything has to be compact and packable. These replaced five other kitchen utensils that did not nest in each other. They sit on the counter ready to use. They are sturdy and have been used in nonstick ceramic and cast-iron pans. Very happy with this set." —Justice Talbot

    Get a set from Amazon for $32.99+ (available in four other color varieties).