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    37 Household Basics That Are A Good Idea To Have Around

    If you can't remember the last time you replaced your pillows or sharpened your knives, then this post is for you.

    1. A set of 10 reusable silicone drinking straws, because they're much better for the environment and they'll make it easier to tell your drink apart from your roommate's or other family member's.

    2. A pair of small deep-clean scrub brushes to get all of the cracks and crevices in your place squeaky clean.

    A reviewer photo of a tile floor with half of it dirty between the tiles and the other half very clean between the tiles

    3. A pack of two self-adhesive razor holders that'll make it easier to keep your razor separated from your partner's and you won't have to worry about it constantly falling off the side of the tub.

    Two razors hanging on the razor holders

    4. A pumice stone cleaner you will want to keep your bathroom sparkling. It'll help get rid of those hard water stains, rust, residue, and more — because no one enjoys sitting on a yucky toilet.

    5. A TubShroom to prevent hair from clogging up your pipes and creating a gross puddle of water in your shower.

    6. A nontoxic enzyme-based spot cleaner that'll help you remove that annoying stain from your favorite shirt.

    7. A set of bedsheet fasteners, because it's so annoying to wake up in the morning and realize your entire fitted sheet is now bunched up in the corner of your bed.

    The fasteners attached to a bedsheet

    8. A dual-sided hanging organizer for sorting all of your small possessions, like hair accessories, tights, or beauty products.

    9. Some vacuum-sealed pop containers so you can organize your cereal, flour, snacks, and more in a neat way that'll keep them nice and fresh.

    10. A set of interlocking bins to finally get those junk drawers organized — you'll probably be amazed at what's been hiding in there! The bins can be arranged any way you like and can work in many places, such as your desk, kitchen, or bathroom.

    11. A pack of stainless steel wipes to have your kitchen appliances ✨shining✨ and free of grease, streaks, and fingerprints.

    A reviewer's before-and-after of a sink with grease and residue stains in it, and then the sink completely clean

    12. A heavy-duty power strip so you can plug in your phone, laptop, smarthome devices, lamp, speaker...everything you need at once! No more running around the house to charge everything in different rooms due to a lack of outlets.

    13. An extendable microfiber duster set that'll reach the toughest (and probably dustiest) areas of your home, from the ceiling to the awkward spaces behind your kitchen appliances.

    14. A rust stain remover to get rid of the unappealing rust that tends to make the shower and sinks look, well, pretty grody.

    15. A 68-piece tool kit with a 20-volt lithium drill perfect for a variety of home projects, including hanging decor, assembling furniture, and more.

    A reviewer showing his tool kit while holding the

    16. A multipurpose cleaner formulated with natural, plant-based ingredients you can use to boost your laundry detergent, get out stains on clothes and carpets, tidy surfaces, and more.

    three bottles of the cleaner in scents frankincense and myrth, sandalwood, and nag champa

    17. A three-step folding step stool that'll come in handy for reaching the top shelf in the kitchen, hanging your family photo above the mantel, and so much more.

    models using the step stool to reach a high shelf and to dust the ceiling

    18. A carpet and upholstery stain remover to finally get rid of that spaghetti stain in the middle of your living room carpet.

    19. A walnut scrubber sponge for an eco-friendly upgrade from your gross old sponges. It's designed to conquer tough cleaning jobs on dishes, countertops, and more. Plus, it's hypoallergenic and plant-based (meaning it doesn't contain harmful toxins).

    the walnut scrubber sponge

    20. A container of Tide Pods to act as your detergent, stain remover, and color protector in one convenient lil' package. It'll be SO much easier to just pop one of these in the washer instead of measuring out a bunch of messy liquid detergent.

    reviewer's container of tide pods with four pods next to it

    21. And a plant-based fabric softener for helping your clothes feel softer and smell fresher (it's lavender scented!) after every wash.

    the bag of liquid fabric softener next to a laundry basket

    22. A Goodful 12-piece nonstick cookware set so you can toss the scratched-up cookware you've been accumulating since college and finally have a matching set.

    the cookware set in black

    23. Or a popular Always Pan that'll look nice in your kitchen, help you cook TONS of yummy meals, and be much easier to clean than your old, worn pots and pans. And speaking of which, this baby was designed to replace eight (!!!) traditional pieces of cookware. An icon.

    24. Stackable bins to help whip your fridge, pantry, or junk drawer into shape. These allow you to give small items a home and still be able to keep everything visible.

    reviewer's clear bins stacked and filled with spices

    25. A hypoallergenic microfiber bed sheet set that comes with a flat sheet, fitted sheet, and two pillowcases to give your bed or guest room that five-star hotel feel.

    Reviewer's bed with the tan colored sheet set on it

    26. A hand-poured soy candle inspired by the city of Charleston so you can keep your space smelling pleasant and homey throughout the day. The candle comes in a cute mini mason jar and has notes of currant, white tea, and florals.

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor's picture of the candle on a table

    27. Or, if you're not a candle person, an illuminating essential-oil diffuser and set of six essential oils that'll have your house smelling fresh and peaceful for some much needed aromatherapy.

    28. A big, soft bath sheet that I promise is far superior to those old, dingy towels you've been using for years. After a long bath or shower you can wrap yourself up in one of these — and don't be surprised if you go to sit on your bed for a second and end up falling asleep in it.

    29. A clip-on colander designed to fit most round pots, pans, and bowls to make preparing dinner a little quicker, easier, and convenient.

    30. A pack of reusable mop pads that'll fit on your Swiffer, because they are better for the environment, more cost-efficient, and many reviewers say they actually work better than the disposable pads!

    31. A pack of dishwasher-cleaning tabs to remove all the grime from inside your machine and stop it from having any weird smells and hidden residue.

    A model placing one of the tablets in a dishwasher

    32. A squeegee broom basically guaranteed to make all of your floors look brand spanking new. The 100% natural rubber brush picks up pet hair like a magnet and easily removes hair from carpets, rugs, hardwood, and linoleum.

    The broom sweeping up a huge pile of dog fur from the carpet

    33. A knife sharpener so you no longer have to deal with old, dull knives that can barley cut through bread. This will ensure your knives last longer and it's a much cheaper solution than replacing them.

    a knife being sharpened with the knife sharpener

    34. A bleach-free powder cleaner that'll easily remove rust, tarnish, and stains from your sink, floor, dishes, and more. You're going to be pouring this stuff everywhere once you see how well it works!

    35. A dishwasher-safe stainless-steel peeler so you can easily peel everything from potatoes to carrots to zucchini — it'll take your salads and garnishes to the next level!

    the peeler on a surface with peeled veggies

    36. A two-pack of durable pillows, because the ones you've had for years are probably flat, stained, and giving you neck pain. Swap those out for a fresh set and see how much better you sleep!

    37. And a set of silicone ice cube trays with lids, helpful for stacking and avoiding spillage. Get ready to throw those old plastic ones away because the flexibility of these makes it much easier to get the ice out.

    the ice cube trays in blue and teal

    Some reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.