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    19 Struggles Only People Who Don't Drink Tea Will Understand

    Get that devil liquid away from me!

    1. First of all, you always feel like you're on the outside of a fancy club.

    2. And when you tell someone you don't drink tea, they immediately judge you.

    3. TBQFH, you're terrified that your hatred of tea might end up being a relationship deal breaker.

    4. Making the tea at work is a nightmare because you have NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE DOING.

    5. It's common knowledge in your office that you're not a tea drinker, yet someone will always ask just to make sure.

    6. And there's nothing worse than being a guest in someone's house and being handed a cup of fresh hell.

    7. You decide to give those cute lil' fruit teas a chance - BUT THEY STILL TASTE LIKE SATAN!

    8. Tea Detoxes are OUT of the question.

    9. But you live in hope that one day, tea will change your life and everything will be ok.

    10. Because there's nothing you'd love more than to experience the joy of novelty tea infusers.

    11. Or these wonderfully British tea bags.

    12. And you have to live vicariously through your friends' mug collection.

    13. You'll never understand how someone can find so much joy in a hot mug of leafy water.

    14. You might feel like you've failed your Nan a bit.

    15. And, for that matter, almost all of the British population.

    16. In fact, you suffer an existential crisis every time a fellow countryman questions your choices, especially if you're British.

    17. You'll never be able to treat your mum to a posh afternoon tea.

    18. And you honestly have ZERO opinions on the great tea bag debate that consumes your workmates on a regular basis.

    19. At the end of the day, the jokes on them because you won't be the one needing to pee every five minutes.