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    9 Cozy Mysteries You Should Read If You Think You Don't Like Cozies

    Cozies: They're not just for your grandma

    You think you may know what a cozy mystery is...

    Sure there isn't any sex, drugs, cussing or violence...

    But there is still a murder and some really great characters and setting.

    And the puns in the titles will bring a smile to your face

    So grab these 'Cozies' and discover why this genre needs to be on your radar

    1. AND THEN THERE WERE NONE by Agatha Christie

    2. Ghost Hunter Mysteries

    3. Eizabeth Parker Mysteries

    4. Cupcake Bakery Mystery

    5. Jaya Jones Treasure Hunt Series

    6. Heather Wells Mysteries

    7. The White House Chef Mysteries

    8. Dog Walker Mysteries

    9. Headlines in Heels Mysteries