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    21 Year Old Life Crisis

    Upon recent graduation of college I have come to realize a few crisis's are not just for those in the 40+ range. They can happen at 21 and they are very real. A few examples:

    1. You go to school to get a job to pay for school

    The headline says it all...damn you debt and bills and food and clothes and basically all things needed in life that require money. But hey, at least you have that nice fancy, expensive piece of paper to hang on your wall.

    2. The Diploma

    That fancy piece of paper I was just talking about....yeah, nice to realize that piece of paper cost about $30, 000 +. If only you could cash it in now...

    3. The Job Hunt

    Seriously, the job market does not get any better does it. You leave college, a young hopeful and then once you start sending those resumes, the reality sets in. You're either not experienced enough, don't have enough schooling or you're expected to intern in hopes that maybe you could move up. At least the chance to still marry rich is there....

    4. Life as a 20-Something

    And let's just cut to the chase, life as a 20-something does not get much easier, no one took you seriously in college and now that you're a supposed "adult" no one takes you seriously cause you haven't been in the "real world" long enough. Oh life and it's cruel tricks.

    5. The Upside

    On the upside, you still have at least another 50+ years ahead of you and despite life's peaks and valleys, it's a pretty damn awesome world we live in. Heck, you can change your mind on what you want to do a million times. Go back to school to learn a completely new field. Go traveling across Europe cause you're not tied down yet with commitments and can. As much as their can be downsides, the silver lining is still there, you just gotta look for it. I mean, you did complete and graduate college, so that's a start. Enjoy that accomplishment and be proud of yourself. It ain't easy, but nothing in life worth fighting for is.
