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    12 Signs You Need To Back Away From Netflix

    Netflix: it's becoming a problem.

    1. No sleep? No problem. Waiting to see what happens at the end of this episode is far more important

    2. Bathroom break? Yeah, not gonna happen. Your bladder may have just exploded but at least you only have two episodes left of this season.

    3. I bet you care more about that final episode than your final exam, don’t you?

    4. Oh, is that an essay you have to write?

    5. Friends: “Want to go out?” You: “I can’t I have…things to do.”

    6. That movie was good. Oh, they’ve recommended some more. Let’s just check out a few of them…

    7. Excuse me clock, it can’t be 3am. It was 9pm just an episode ago.

    8. You have 15 minutes before you need to leave the house. You can totally watch that 40 minute episode, right?

    9. That TV show you’d never even heard of before last week just took over your entire life.

    10. You may or may not have just spent an hour crying over a character death.

    11. You’ve just finished watching all 7 seasons of a show and have no idea what to do with your life.

    12. That’s it. Enough. You’re getting out of that bed. You’re getting out of the house. So long, Netflix!