17 Times The Internet Perfectly Summed Up Being An Aquarius

    I'm not staring, I just zoned out.

    1. On needing personal space.

    2. On your humanitarian tendencies.

    3. On having a hard time getting going.

    4. On giving sympathy.

    5. On falling in love.

    6. And on second thought.

    7. And getting panicky when you start to like someone.

    8. On your existentialism.

    9. On thinking you're some kind of psychologist.

    10. On being stubborn.

    11. On your stubborn refusal to admit you're tired.

    12. On your weird sleep habits in general.

    13. No, really.

    14. On the one thing you really wish you had.

    15. On your trust issues.

    16. On being a push/pull-type.

    17. And on your attitude.