17 Times The Internet Perfectly Summed Up Being A Cancer

    My emotions!!!

    1. On your glass-half-full attitude.

    2. On your aesthetic dilemma.

    3. On having your guard up.

    Cancers before letting you into their lives 😂def me #CancersBeLike

    4. On your life as a worrywart.

    5. On your intensity in romance.

    6. On your sensitive days.

    7. On emoting.

    8. On your many, many feelings.

    9. No, really. All the feelings.

    10. On your quickness to crush.

    11. On your notorious moodiness.

    12. On you having a fight.

    13. On keeping receipts.

    14. On dating you.

    15. On finding your people.

    16. On your nerves when you've got a crush.

    17. You when you really don't want to go out.