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    9 Problems With Being 'One Of The Boys'

    So I'm one of those girls who just gets on with boys...not in 'that' way, but people would describe me as 'one of the boys'. While I love this, it creates so many issues that all girls with male friends will understand.

    1. People Always Assume You're Dating

    Yes, we spend a lot of time together. No, we are NOT dating. Seriously, girls can be just friends with boys.

    2. ...Or At Least Are Secretly In Love

    This is not a Hollywood rom-com, we are not secretly in love. We will not one day realise this, run to an airport to stop a plane and then get married. Or least, I don't think that'll happen.

    3. Their Girlfriends Hate You

    For absolutely no reason. In their eyes your friendship threatens them more than random club skanks although there is no way anything will ever happen...ever.

    4. They Don't Notice When You Make An Effort

    While your girlfriends will compliment your outfit or ask you how you did your hair, the boys don't care. Well not so much don't care as don't notice. They have no idea about the difference between me spending 5 mins or an hour getting ready.

    5. If They Ever Do NoticeA Change In Appearance It Will Confuse Them Greatly

    The phrase "wow, you look like a girl" has been uttered by many if we ever have to attend a formal event. Yes..I am a girl.

    6. They Assume You Can Fix All Their Relationship Problems

    I mean yes, I am the world's greatest wingman and I'm always there if they need me but if I hear one more relationship problem that starts with "Katie, you're a girl so you'll know" then I'm going to explode

    7. You See Find It Hard To See Any Boys As More Than Friends

    When you get on so well with boys they instantly become friends. That leaves literally no time between meeting them and permanently friend-zoning them, which really isn't ideal.

    8. You Forget That How You Act Around Them Isn't Always Acceptable

    I will act just as manly as them in their presence so when I return to my girls house, or public in general, I'll forget to act in a feminine, socially acceptable manner.

    9. You Eat As Much As Them

    I can eat as much, if not more, than most of my male friends. This is an issue. They are bigger than me so need the energy to keep going. My extra energy is starting to make an appearance on my stomach.

    Male friends are a nightmare, but I still wouldn't change them for the world.