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    What Should You Do On Your Gap Year?

    Whether your gap year has been planned or a result of not achieving the grades you needed, this list is to help you make the most of the year ahead. Or maybe just make it more fun!


    Learn to drive

    If you put off learning to drive during school time now is your opportunity to try. It will give you so much more freedom and independence, so book a theory test and once you have passed it the fun of driving really begins.

    Get fit

    Get a part time job

    Learn to play an instrument

    So you used to play piano? Lots of people who played for a year or two regret quitting- so get back on the horse.

    Even if you didn't play an instrument you may have fantasised about being in a famous band at one point, so now is the time to make your wish come true. Guitar, piano, drums... the world is your oyster.

    Do something exciting for charity